Révision | 80cef292a6bf11b249c560f46ed032a1e82666c4 |
Taille | 9,350 octets |
l'heure | 2017-11-21 01:00:16 |
Auteur | Lorenzo Isella |
Message de Log | I now save the cleaned fragment distribution as an RDS file. |
dbeta2 <- function(x, shape, ...)
dbeta(x, shape, shape, ...)
pbeta2 <- function(q, shape, ...)
pbeta(q, shape, shape, ...)
rbeta2 <- function(n, shape, ...)
rbeta(n, shape, shape, ...)
qbeta2 <- function(p, shape, ...)
pbeta(p, shape, shape, ...)
prepare_for_fitting <- function(df21, df_name, threshold){
data <- df21 %>% mutate(df=df_name) %>% select(c(X1,X2,X4,df)) %>% set_colnames(c("n", "i", "j", "df")) %>% mutate(i_norm=i/n, j_norm=j/n) %>% filter(i!=0, j!=0) %>% arrange(n) %>% group_by(n) %>% filter(n()>=threshold) %>% ungroup
prepare_for_fitting_large <- function(df21, df_name, threshold){
data <- df21 %>% mutate(j=n-i) %>% mutate(df=df_name) %>% select(c(n,i,j,df)) %>% set_colnames(c("n", "i", "j", "df")) %>% mutate(i_norm=i/n, j_norm=j/n) %>% filter(i!=0, j!=0) %>% arrange(n) %>% group_by(n) %>% filter(n()>=threshold) %>% ungroup
dname <- "beta2" ## "beta"
shapevec <- c()
shapevec2 <- c()
shapevec3 <- c()
d1<-read_csv("df21kf13Lib2Gen4lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d2<-read_csv("df21kf13Lib2Gen5lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d3<-read_csv("df21kf13Lib2Gen6lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d4<-read_csv("df21kf13Lib2Gen7lib1.csv", col_names=F)
## df21 <- rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4) %>% mutate(df="df21") %>% select(c(X1,X2,X4,df)) %>% set_colnames(c("n", "i", "j", "df")) %>% mutate(i_norm=i/n, j_norm=j/n) %>% filter(i!=0, j!=0) %>% arrange(n) %>% group_by(n) %>% filter(n()>=threshold) %>% ungroup
data <- rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4)
df21 <- prepare_for_fitting(data, "df_21", threshold)
data_large <- readRDS("large_fragments_df21.RDS") %>% as_tibble
df21_large <- prepare_for_fitting_large(data_large, "df_21", threshold)
df21 <- rbind(df21, df21_large)
## Now I work on another fractal dimension
d1 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen4lib2.csv", col_names=F)
d2 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen4lib3.csv", col_names=F)
d3 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen5lib2.csv", col_names=F)
d4 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen5lib3.csv", col_names=F)
d5 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen6lib2.csv", col_names=F)
d6 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen6lib3.csv", col_names=F)
d7 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen7lib2.csv", col_names=F)
d8 <- read_csv("df18kf13Lib2Gen7lib3.csv", col_names=F)
data <- rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8)
df18 <- prepare_for_fitting(data, "df_18", threshold)
data_large <- readRDS("large_fragments_df18.RDS") %>% as_tibble
df18_large <- prepare_for_fitting_large(data_large, "df_18", threshold)
df18 <- rbind(df18, df18_large)
### and now with another one
d1 <- read_csv("df16kf13Lib2Gen4lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d2 <- read_csv("df16kf13Lib2Gen5lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d3 <- read_csv("df16kf13Lib2Gen6lib1.csv", col_names=F)
d4 <- read_csv("df16kf13Lib2Gen7lib1.csv", col_names=F)
data3 <- rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4)
df16 <- prepare_for_fitting(data3, "df_16", threshold)
sizes <- df21$n %>% unique
for (mysize in sizes){
temp <- df21 %>% filter(n==mysize) %>% select(c(n,i_norm, j_norm)) %>% melt(id.var=c("n"))
tt <- temp$value
## fitd <- fitdist( tt , dname, start=list(shape=0.5) )
## see http://bit.ly/2iGIrEB
fitd <- fitdistr( tt , dbeta2, start=list(shape=0.5) , method="Brent", lower=c(0), upper=c(1))
res <- coef(fitd) %>% as.numeric
shapevec <- c(shapevec, res[1])
output_df21 <- cbind(sizes, shapevec) %>% as_tibble %>% set_colnames(c("N", "alpha")) %>% mutate(df="df_21")
sizes2 <- df18$n %>% unique
for (mysize in sizes2){
temp <- df18 %>% filter(n==mysize) %>% select(c(n,i_norm, j_norm)) %>% melt(id.var=c("n"))
tt <- temp$value
## fitd <- fitdist( tt , dname, start=list(shape=0.5) )
fitd <- fitdistr( tt , dbeta2, start=list(shape=0.5) , method="Brent", lower=c(0), upper=c(1))
res <- coef(fitd) %>% as.numeric
shapevec2 <- c(shapevec2, res[1])
output_df18 <- cbind(sizes2, shapevec2) %>% as_tibble %>% set_colnames(c("N", "alpha")) %>% mutate(df="df_18")
sizes3 <- df16$n %>% unique
for (mysize in sizes3){
temp <- df16 %>% filter(n==mysize) %>% select(c(n,i_norm, j_norm)) %>% melt(id.var=c("n"))
tt <- temp$value
## fitd <- fitdist( tt , dname, start=list(shape=0.5) )
fitd <- fitdistr( tt , dbeta2, start=list(shape=0.5), method="Brent", lower=c(0), upper=c(1))
res <- coef(fitd) %>% as.numeric
shapevec3 <- c(shapevec3, res[1])
output_df16 <- cbind(sizes3, shapevec3) %>% as_tibble %>% set_colnames(c("N", "alpha")) %>% mutate(df="df_16")
output_tot <- rbind(output_df18, output_df21,output_df16)
print("OK output_tot")
output_tot$df <- as.factor(output_tot$df)
lbls <- levels(output_tot$df) ## output_tot$df %>% unique
col_seq <- seq(length(lbls))
gpl <- ggplot(output_tot, aes(x=N, y=alpha
, color=df, shape=df)) +
my_ggplot_theme(c(0.53, 0.8))+
## theme(legend.position = 'right')+
geom_point(size=3) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0.3,0.9),breaks=seq(0.3, 0.9, by=0.3))+
scale_color_manual(NULL, breaks=lbls, labels=c("$d_f=1.6$","$d_f=1.8$", "$d_f=2.1$" ), values=col_seq) +
scale_shape_manual(NULL, breaks=lbls, labels= c("$d_f=1.6$","$d_f=1.8$", "$d_f=2.1$" )
,values=col_seq) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1))+
theme(legend.text = element_text(vjust=1,lineheight=1 ))+
theme(legend.title = element_text(vjust=1,lineheight=1, size=12 ))+
fn <- paste("alpha_N_df_all.tex")
#use tikzDevice to generate and the compile the latex file ultimately
#leading to the figures.
tikz(fn, standAlone = TRUE, width=10,height=5)
df_plot2 <- output_tot %>% mutate(generation = ifelse(N<150, 4, ifelse( N>=150 & N<300,5, ifelse(N>=300 & N<600, 6, ifelse(N>=600 & N<1400,7, ifelse(N>=1400 & N<2800, 8, ifelse( N>=2800 & N<5500, 9 , ifelse(N>=5500 & N<8000, 10, ifelse(N>=8000, 11, NA)) )))))))
barycentre <- df_plot2 %>% group_by(generation, df) %>% summarise(mean_N=mean(N), mean_alpha=mean(alpha))
write_csv(barycentre, "barycentre.csv")
barycentre$df <- as.factor(barycentre$df)
lbls <- levels(barycentre$df) ## unique(barycentre$df)
col_seq <- seq(length(lbls))
gpl <- ggplot(barycentre, aes(x=mean_N, y=mean_alpha
, color=df, shape=df)) +
my_ggplot_theme(c(0.53, 0.8))+
## theme(legend.position = 'right')+
geom_point(size=3) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0.3,0.9),breaks=seq(0.3, 0.9, by=0.3))+
scale_color_manual(NULL, breaks=lbls, labels=c("$d_f=1.6$","$d_f=1.8$", "$d_f=2.1$"
), values=col_seq) +
scale_shape_manual(NULL, breaks=lbls, labels= c("$d_f=1.6$", "$d_f=1.8$", "$d_f=2.1$"
,values=col_seq) +
## coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,800)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1))+
theme(legend.text = element_text(vjust=1,lineheight=1 ))+
theme(legend.title = element_text(vjust=1,lineheight=1, size=12 ))+
xlab("$\\langle N \\rangle$")+
ylab("$\\langle \\alpha \\rangle$")
fn <- paste("alpha_N_df_barycentre.tex")
#use tikzDevice to generate and the compile the latex file ultimately
#leading to the figures.
tikz(fn, standAlone = TRUE, width=10,height=5)
df_tot <- rbind(df16,df18,df21) %>% mutate(generation = ifelse(n<150, 4, ifelse( n>=150 & n<300,5, ifelse(n>=300 & n<600, 6, ifelse(n>=600 & n<1400,7, ifelse(n>=1400 & n<2800, 8, ifelse( n>=2800 & n<5500, 9 , ifelse(n>=5500 & n<8000, 10, ifelse(n>=8000, 11, NA)) ))))))) %>% filter(i_norm>=0.5)
print("So far so good")