Révision | 16e4b82c4ec3b1b3ab318dedd075b636c8c997d3 |
Taille | 14,812 octets |
l'heure | 2016-06-30 03:49:27 |
Auteur | Lorenzo Isella |
Message de Log | A latex file to implement the europass CV. |
\ecvname{Lorenzo Isella}
\ecvaddress{rue de Belle Vue 7, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium}
\ecvtelephone{+32 (0) 489 34 98 29}
% \ecvim{AOL Messenger}{betty.smith}
% \ecvim{Google Talk}{bsmith}
\ecvdateofbirth{14 July 1977}
\ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{Data Analyst}
\ecvsection{Work Experience}
\ecvtitle{October 2015 -- ongoing}{Statistical Officer}
\ecvitem{}{European Commission, DG JRC -- Bruxelles}
\ecvitem{}{Policy quantitative analyst.
Drafts and edits statistical texts (reports, manuals, etc.) for
Contributes to the development of a data warehouse.
Contributes to the quantitative aspects of policy analysis regarding Research and Innovation (content and country analysis).
Tests, validates and monitors the quality of statistical methods.
Develops statistical indicators and analytic tools for data mining
and data visualisation.
\ecvtitle{July 2011 -- October 2013}{Nuclear Inspector}
\ecvitem{}{European Commission, DG ENER, Luxembourg}
\ecvitem{}{ Using statistical methods, collects,
analyses and verifies the information provided by the operators of nuclear
installations regarding quantities, location and use made of all
nuclear materials. Ensures the efficient and effective implementation of international
Interacts with national authorities in the field of nuclear
\ecvtitle{June 2009 -- May 2011}{Post Doctoral Researcher}
\ecvitem{}{ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy}
Works at the ISI foundation [\url{http://www.isi.it}].
Develops software tool for the statistical analysis and visualisation
of data on human interactions and disease spreading. Work
conducted for the DynaNets EU FP7 FET Open project [\url{http://www.dynanets.org/}].
Proactively collaborates with the other project partners at a European
\ecvtitle{May 2006 -- May 2009}{Post Doctoral Researcher --
Contractual Agent}
\ecvitem{}{European Commission, DG JRC, Ispra, Italy}
% Develops and maintains codes for thermo-hydraulic simulations.
% Investigates numerically the dynamics of interacting diesel-exhaust
% soot nanoparticles via finite-element methods.
Develops and maintains codes for data analysis, simulation and large data set
management for environmental data (air quality data).
Delivers the results to policy makers and publishes academic papers.
Interacts with policy makers and representatives of the
automotive industry. % See also \url{http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/}.
\ecvtitle{December 2005 -- May 2006}{Junior Business Analyst}
\ecvitem{}{NovaGest SIM, Milan, Italy}
Supports senior
wealth managers in their daily trading activities.
Performs statistical analysis on portfolios and monitors their value-at-risk (VaR). Develops software for
basic risk assessment and portfolio optimisation.
\ecvtitlelevel{2001--2005}{PhD in Statistical Physics}{ISCED 6}
\ecvitem{}{University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom}
\ecvitem{\ecvhighlight{PhD Thesis}}{ ``Quantum dynamics of a Bose-Einstein
condensate in a 1D optical lattice'' under the supervision of
Professor Janne Ruostekoski. }
\ecvtitlelevel{1996--2001}{Masters Degree in Physics}{ISCED 5}
\ecvitem{}{Universit\`a degli studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy}
\ecvitem{\ecvhighlight{Masters Thesis}}{
title: ``Hydrodynamic analogies in black hole physics''
under the supervision of Professor Mauro Carfora. Final mark 110/110
summa cum laude.
\ecvtitle{1991--1996}{Secondary School Certificate}
\ecvitem{}{Liceo Scientifico ``E. Stein'', Gavirate (VA),
Italy. Final mark 60/60.}
\ecvsection{Professional Training}
% \begin{ecvitemize}
\ecvitem{} {2016: Advanced R programming topics, Leuven Statistics
Research Centre, Leuven, Belgium}
\ecvitem{}{2016: FP101x: Introduction to Functional Programming, Delft
University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands}
\ecvitem{}{2015: Presenting Data, Royal Statistical Society, London, United Kingdom}
\ecvitem{}{2015: Identifying Trends and Making Forecasts with Statistical
Thinking, Royal Statistical Society, London, United Kingdom}
\ecvitem{}{2014: 12th JRC Annual Training on
Composite Indicators {\&}
Multicriteria Decision Analysis
(COIN 2014), DG JRC, Ispra, Italy}
\ecvitem{}{2013: PH207x Health in Numbers:
Quantitative Methods in Clinical and
Public Health Research, Harvard School
of Public Health, USA}
\ecvitem{}{2010: Python Winter School, Warsaw, Poland}
\ecvitem{}{2009: Hypertext Conference, ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy}
\ecvitem{}{2009: Parallel Programming Workshop, Swiss National
Supercomputing Centre, Manno, Switzerland}
\ecvitem{}{2007: Course on Estimation Theory, DG JRC Ispra, Italy}
\ecvitem{}{2007: First Internal Workshop on High Performance Computing, DG JRC Ispra, Italy}
\ecvitem{}{2006: Italian-French Conference on Turbulence, Bagno Vignoni,
Siena, Italy}
\ecvitem{}{2003: Quantum Gases in Low Dimensions, Les Houches Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, France}
% \end{ecvitemize}
\ecvsection{Language Skills}
\ecvsection{Skills and Expertise}
% \ecvtitlelevel{}{Software Skills}{}
\ecvitem{Fluent in the software tools/languages}{Comsol,\LaTeX, Python, R, Fortran 90/95,
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and their open source equivalents }
\ecvitem{Advanced in the software tools/languages}{C, TCL, Haskell, Matlab}
\ecvitem{Quantitative Skills}{Strong quantitative background due to training and working
experience. Able to quickly grasp the fundamental aspects of a
problem and model them mathematically.}
\ecvitem{Presentation skills}{Experienced in public speaking and in delivering concisely, but
clearly, the results. Very good drafting skills in English due to
training and working experience.}
\ecvitem{Social skills}{Sociable and collaborative. Easily adapts to
a new social, cultural and working environment.}
\ecvitem{Security clearance}{ Capable of handling sensitive information in a professional and
confidential manner. Security vetted for EU restricted documents.}
\ecvitem{} {A. Melas, L. Isella, A. Konstandopoulos, Y. Drossinos,
\emph{ Journal of Aerosol Science}, \textbf{82}, 40 (2015),
\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2015.01.003}. }
\ecvitem{}{A. Melas, L. Isella, A. Konstandopoulos, Y. Drossinos,
\emph{ Aerosol Science {\&} Technology}, \textbf{48:12}, 1320 (2014), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02786826.2014.985781}. }
\ecvitem{}{A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, F. Gesualdo, L. Isella,
E. Pandolfi, J.-F. Pinton, L. Ravà, C. Rizzo, M. Romano, J. Stehlé,
A. E. Tozzi, W. Van den Broeck, \emph{The European Physical Journal
Special Topics} \textbf{222:6}, 1295 (2013), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2013-01927-7}. }
\ecvitem{}{A. Melas, L. Isella, A. Konstandopoulos, Y. Drossinos,
\emph{ Journal of
Colloid and Interface Science} \textbf{417}, 27 (2013), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2013.11.024}. }
\ecvitem{} {N. Voirin, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, L. Isella,
J.F. Pinton, M. Quaggiotto, N. Khanafer,
W. Van den Broeck, C. Régis, B. Lina and P. Vanhems, \emph{BMC
Proceedings}, 5(Suppl 6):O51 (2011), $\;\;\;$ \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1753-6561-5-S6-O51}. }
\ecvitem{}{ W. Van den Broeck, M. Quaggiotto, L. Isella, A.
Barrat, C. Cattuto, \emph{Leonardo}, Vol. 45, No. 3 (2012), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/LEON_a_00377}.}
\ecvitem{}{ J. Stehlé, N. Voirin, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, L. Isella,
J.-F. Pinton, M. Quaggiotto, W. Van den Broeck, C. Régis, B. Lina,
P. Vanhems, % \emph{High-resolution measurements of face-to-face contact patterns in a primary school},
\emph{PLoS ONE} 6(8): e23176 (2011), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0023176}.}
\ecvitem{}{ J. Stehlé, N. Voirin, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza,
L. Isella, C. Régis, J.F. Pinton, N. Khanafer, W. Van den Broeck,
P. Vanhems, % \emph{Simulation of an SEIR infection disease model on the dynamic contact network of conference attendees}
\emph{BMC Medicine}, 9:87 (2011). \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1741-7015-9-87}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, M. Romano, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, W. Van
den Broeck, F. Gesualdo E. Pandolfi, L. Ravà, C. Rizzo, A.E. Tozzi,
\emph{PLoS ONE} 6(2): e17144 (2011). \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0017144}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos, \emph{Journal of Colloid and Interface Science }
\textbf{356}, 505 (2011), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2011.01.072}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck, \emph{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, \textbf{271}, 166
(2011), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.11.033}. }
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos, \emph{Physical Review E} \textbf{82},
011404 (2010), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.82.011404}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, B. Giechaskiel and Y. Drossinos, \emph{Journal of
Aerosol Science} \textbf{39}, 737 (2008), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2008.04.006}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and J. Ruostekoski, \emph{Physical Review A} \textbf{74},
063625 (2006), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.74.063625}.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and J. Ruostekoski, \emph{Physical Review A} \textbf{72}, 011601 (2005), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.72.011601}.}
\ecvitem{}{ J. Ruostekoski and L. Isella, \emph{Physical Review Letters}
\textbf{95}, 110403 (2005), \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.110403}.}
\ecvsection{Talks and Posters}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Athina Karvounaraki. Oral presentation for an
internal workshop for the visit of professor Edquist, Bruxelles,
15th September 2015: Statistical Indicators and Innovation: an Overview.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella,
L. Chiamenti, C. Charpentier and G. De Caritat. Oral presentation at
the EURATOM Member States training,
Luxembourg, 16th-18th September 2013: Additional Protocol and
Complementary Access.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella. Oral presentation at the Workshop on Soot
Agglomeration Rates, JRC, Ispra, Italy, 11th-12th April 2013: Linear
Chains in the Transition Regime.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella,
L. Chiamenti, C. Charpentier and G. De Caritat. Oral presentation at
the EURATOM Member States training,
Luxembourg, 12th-14th February 2013: Additional Protocol and
Complementary Access.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, G. De Caritat and
L. Chiamenti. Oral presentation at the AP Basics training,
Luxembourg, 24th October 2012: Additional Protocol Framework.}
\ecvitem{}{ F. Mazza, G. De Caritat,
L. Isella and L. Chiamenti. Oral presentation at the joint
IAEA-EURATOM exercise on Complementary Access, Karlsruhe, Germany,
15{th}-19{th} October 2012: IAEA Complementary
Access Exercise. }
\ecvitem{}{ A. Melas, A. Konstandopoulos, L. Isella and Y. Drossinos.
Oral presentation at the European Aerosol Conference, Grenada, Spain,
2{nd}-7{th} September
2012: The mobility radius of small fractal aggregates in the slip flow regime.}
\ecvitem{} {Y. Drossinos, L. Isella and A. Melas.
Oral presentation at SFB 716, Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart, Germany, May, 10{th} 2012:
Nanoparticle agglomeration via Langevin
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. Oral presentation at the BaselR meeting, Basel, Switzerland,
April, 13{th} 2011: R for the analysis of social interaction data: a case study.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. Oral presentation at the workshop on data driven dynamical
networks, Les Houches, France, September 26{th}-October 1{st},
2010: What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. Oral presentation at Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Riva
del Garda, Italy, June 29{th}-July 4{th}, 2010: Investigating Social Interactions via Active RFID. }
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. Oral presentation at ICCS2010, Amsterdam, Holland, May 31{st}-June 2{nd} 2010: Dynamical
networks of person to person interactions from RFID sensor networks.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. Oral presentation at APS meeting, Portland, USA, 15{th}-19{th} March 2010: Dynamical networks of
person to person interactions from RFID sensor networks}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, J. Stehlé, A. Barrat, C. Cattuto, J.F. Pinton and
W. Van den Broeck. IRIDIA seminar at Artificial Intelligence research laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Bruxelles, Belgium 22{nd} January 2010: Investigating Social Interactions via active RFID.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Oral presentation at the European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 6{th}-11{th} September
2010: Diffusion coefficient of linear chains.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella, B. Giechaskiel
and Y. Drossinos. Oral presentation at the Exploratory Research Symposium, Institute for Environment and
Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy, 17{th} December 2008: Modelling of diesel-
engine exhaust nanoparticle dynamics.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Oral presentation at the Particle Technology Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland, 28{th} November
2008: Nanoparticle collisional dynamics by Langevin simulations.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Oral Presentation at the European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloníki, Greece, 24{th}-29{th} August
2008: Time evolution of the aggregate fractal dimension from Langevin dynamics.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Poster Presentation at the European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloníki, Greece, 24{th}-29{th} August
2008: Estimation of the fractal dimension of diesel-combustion generated nanoparticles.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Poster Presentation at European Aerosol conference, Salzburg, Austria, 9{th}–14{th} September
2007: 1D dynamics of car-exhaust particles.}
\ecvitem{}{ L. Isella and Y. Drossinos. Poster Presentation at 11{th} ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zurich,
Switzerland, 13{th} - 15{th} August.}