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Commit MetaInfo

Révision759a5d72082ae15d9556f4bcff615c604d352920 (tree)
l'heure2016-12-10 23:54:48
AuteurSUEHIRO <supersuehiro@user...>

Message de Log


Change Summary


--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bytecode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
1+package main
3+import (
4+ "math"
5+ "unsafe"
8+type StateType int32
10+const (
11+ ST_S StateType = 1 << iota
12+ ST_C
13+ ST_A
14+ ST_L
15+ ST_N
16+ ST_U
17+ ST_D = ST_L
18+ ST_F = ST_N
19+ ST_P = ST_U
22+type AttackType int32
24+const (
25+ AT_NA AttackType = 1 << (iota + 6)
26+ AT_NT
27+ AT_NP
28+ AT_SA
29+ AT_ST
30+ AT_SP
31+ AT_HA
32+ AT_HT
33+ AT_HP
36+type MoveType int32
38+const (
39+ MT_I MoveType = 1 << (iota + 15)
40+ MT_H
41+ MT_A = MT_I + 1
42+ MT_U = MT_H + 1
43+ MT_MNS = MT_I
44+ MT_PLS = MT_H
47+type ValueType int
49+const (
50+ VT_Variant ValueType = iota
51+ VT_Float
52+ VT_Int
53+ VT_Bool
56+type OpCode byte
58+const (
59+ OC_var0 OpCode = 0
60+ OC_sysvar0 OpCode = 60
61+ OC_fvar0 OpCode = 65
62+ OC_sysfvar0 OpCode = 105
63+ OC_var OpCode = iota + 110
64+ OC_sysvar
65+ OC_fvar
66+ OC_sysfvar
67+ OC_int8
68+ OC_int
69+ OC_float
70+ OC_dup
71+ OC_jmp8
72+ OC_jz8
73+ OC_jnz8
74+ OC_jmp
75+ OC_jz
76+ OC_jnz
77+ OC_eq
78+ OC_ne
79+ OC_gt
80+ OC_le
81+ OC_lt
82+ OC_ge
83+ OC_blnot
84+ OC_bland
85+ OC_blxor
86+ OC_blor
87+ OC_not
88+ OC_and
89+ OC_xor
90+ OC_or
91+ OC_shl
92+ OC_shr
93+ OC_add
94+ OC_sub
95+ OC_mul
96+ OC_div
97+ OC_mod
98+ OC_pow
99+ OC_abs
100+ OC_exp
101+ OC_ln
102+ OC_log
103+ OC_cos
104+ OC_sin
105+ OC_tan
106+ OC_acos
107+ OC_asin
108+ OC_atan
109+ OC_floor
110+ OC_ceil
111+ OC_ifelse
112+ OC_time
113+ OC_animtime
114+ OC_animelemtime
115+ OC_animelemno
116+ OC_statetype
117+ OC_movetype
118+ OC_ctrl
119+ OC_command
120+ OC_random
121+ OC_pos_x
122+ OC_pos_y
123+ OC_vel_x
124+ OC_vel_y
125+ OC_screenpos_x
126+ OC_screenpos_y
127+ OC_facing
128+ OC_anim
129+ OC_animexist
130+ OC_selfanimexist
131+ OC_alive
132+ OC_life
133+ OC_lifemax
134+ OC_power
135+ OC_powermax
136+ OC_canrecover
137+ OC_roundstate
138+ OC_ishelper
139+ OC_numhelper
140+ OC_numexplod
141+ OC_numprojid
142+ OC_numproj
143+ OC_teammode
144+ OC_teamside
145+ OC_hitdefattr
146+ OC_inguarddist
147+ OC_movecontact
148+ OC_movehit
149+ OC_moveguarded
150+ OC_movereversed
151+ OC_projcontacttime
152+ OC_projhittime
153+ OC_projguardedtime
154+ OC_projcanceltime
155+ OC_backedge
156+ OC_backedgedist
157+ OC_backedgebodydist
158+ OC_frontedge
159+ OC_frontedgedist
160+ OC_frontedgebodydist
161+ OC_leftedge
162+ OC_rightedge
163+ OC_topedge
164+ OC_bottomedge
165+ OC_camerapos_x
166+ OC_camerapos_y
167+ OC_camerazoom
168+ OC_gamewidth
169+ OC_gameheight
170+ OC_screenwidth
171+ OC_screenheight
172+ OC_stateno
173+ OC_prevstateno
174+ OC_id
175+ OC_playeridexist
176+ OC_gametime
177+ OC_numtarget
178+ OC_numenemy
179+ OC_numpartner
180+ OC_ailevel
181+ OC_palno
182+ OC_matchover
183+ OC_hitcount
184+ OC_uniqhitcount
185+ OC_hitpausetime
186+ OC_hitover
187+ OC_hitshakeover
188+ OC_hitfall
189+ OC_hitvel_x
190+ OC_hitvel_y
191+ OC_roundno
192+ OC_roundsexisted
193+ OC_parent
194+ OC_root
195+ OC_helper
196+ OC_target
197+ OC_partner
198+ OC_enemy
199+ OC_enemynear
200+ OC_playerid
201+ OC_p2
202+ OC_const_
203+ OC_gethitvar_
204+ OC_ex_
206+const (
207+ OC_const_data_life OpCode = iota
208+ OC_const_data_power
209+ OC_const_data_attack
210+ OC_const_data_defence
211+ OC_const_data_fall_defence_mul
212+ OC_const_data_liedown_time
213+ OC_const_data_airjuggle
214+ OC_const_data_sparkno
215+ OC_const_data_guard_sparkno
216+ OC_const_data_ko_echo
217+ OC_const_data_intpersistindex
218+ OC_const_data_floatpersistindex
219+ OC_const_size_xscale
220+ OC_const_size_yscale
221+ OC_const_size_ground_back
222+ OC_const_size_ground_front
223+ OC_const_size_air_back
224+ OC_const_size_air_front
225+ OC_const_size_z_width
226+ OC_const_size_height
227+ OC_const_size_attack_dist
228+ OC_const_size_attack_z_width_back
229+ OC_const_size_attack_z_width_front
230+ OC_const_size_proj_attack_dist
231+ OC_const_size_proj_doscale
232+ OC_const_size_head_pos_x
233+ OC_const_size_head_pos_y
234+ OC_const_size_mid_pos_x
235+ OC_const_size_mid_pos_y
236+ OC_const_size_shadowoffset
237+ OC_const_size_draw_offset_x
238+ OC_const_size_draw_offset_y
239+ OC_const_velocity_walk_fwd_x
240+ OC_const_velocity_walk_back_x
241+ OC_const_velocity_walk_up_x
242+ OC_const_velocity_walk_down_x
243+ OC_const_velocity_run_fwd_x
244+ OC_const_velocity_run_fwd_y
245+ OC_const_velocity_run_back_x
246+ OC_const_velocity_run_back_y
247+ OC_const_velocity_run_up_x
248+ OC_const_velocity_run_up_y
249+ OC_const_velocity_run_down_x
250+ OC_const_velocity_run_down_y
251+ OC_const_velocity_jump_y
252+ OC_const_velocity_jump_neu_x
253+ OC_const_velocity_jump_back_x
254+ OC_const_velocity_jump_fwd_x
255+ OC_const_velocity_jump_up_x
256+ OC_const_velocity_jump_down_x
257+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_back_x
258+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_back_y
259+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_fwd_x
260+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_fwd_y
261+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_up_x
262+ OC_const_velocity_runjump_down_x
263+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_y
264+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_neu_x
265+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_back_x
266+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_fwd_x
267+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_up_x
268+ OC_const_velocity_airjump_down_x
269+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_groundrecover_x
270+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_groundrecover_y
271+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_mul_x
272+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_mul_y
273+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_add_x
274+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_add_y
275+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_back
276+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_fwd
277+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_up
278+ OC_const_velocity_air_gethit_airrecover_down
279+ OC_const_movement_airjump_num
280+ OC_const_movement_airjump_height
281+ OC_const_movement_yaccel
282+ OC_const_movement_stand_friction
283+ OC_const_movement_crouch_friction
284+ OC_const_movement_stand_friction_threshold
285+ OC_const_movement_crouch_friction_threshold
286+ OC_const_movement_jump_changeanim_threshold
287+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_groundlevel
288+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_groundrecover_ground_threshold
289+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_groundrecover_groundlevel
290+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_airrecover_threshold
291+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_airrecover_yaccel
292+ OC_const_movement_air_gethit_trip_groundlevel
293+ OC_const_movement_down_bounce_offset_x
294+ OC_const_movement_down_bounce_offset_y
295+ OC_const_movement_down_bounce_yaccel
296+ OC_const_movement_down_bounce_groundlevel
297+ OC_const_movement_down_friction_threshold
299+const (
300+ OC_gethitvar_animtype OpCode = iota
301+ OC_gethitvar_airtype
302+ OC_gethitvar_groundtype
303+ OC_gethitvar_damage
304+ OC_gethitvar_hitcount
305+ OC_gethitvar_fallcount
306+ OC_gethitvar_hitshaketime
307+ OC_gethitvar_hittime
308+ OC_gethitvar_slidetime
309+ OC_gethitvar_ctrltime
310+ OC_gethitvar_recovertime
311+ OC_gethitvar_xoff
312+ OC_gethitvar_yoff
313+ OC_gethitvar_xvel
314+ OC_gethitvar_yvel
315+ OC_gethitvar_yaccel
316+ OC_gethitvar_chainid
317+ OC_gethitvar_guarded
318+ OC_gethitvar_isbound
319+ OC_gethitvar_fall
320+ OC_gethitvar_fall_damage
321+ OC_gethitvar_fall_xvel
322+ OC_gethitvar_fall_yvel
323+ OC_gethitvar_fall_recover
324+ OC_gethitvar_fall_recovertime
325+ OC_gethitvar_fall_kill
326+ OC_gethitvar_fall_envshake_time
327+ OC_gethitvar_fall_envshake_freq
328+ OC_gethitvar_fall_envshake_ampl
329+ OC_gethitvar_fall_envshake_phase
331+const (
332+ OC_ex_name OpCode = iota
333+ OC_ex_authorname
334+ OC_ex_p2name
335+ OC_ex_p3name
336+ OC_ex_p4name
337+ OC_ex_p2dist_x
338+ OC_ex_p2dist_y
339+ OC_ex_p2bodydist_x
340+ OC_ex_p2bodydist_y
341+ OC_ex_parentdist_x
342+ OC_ex_parentdist_y
343+ OC_ex_rootdist_x
344+ OC_ex_rootdist_y
345+ OC_ex_win
346+ OC_ex_winko
347+ OC_ex_wintime
348+ OC_ex_winperfect
349+ OC_ex_lose
350+ OC_ex_loseko
351+ OC_ex_losetime
352+ OC_ex_drawgame
353+ OC_ex_matchno
354+ OC_ex_ishometeam
355+ OC_ex_tickspersecond
356+ OC_ex_stagevar_
358+const (
359+ OC_ex_stagevar_info_author OpCode = iota
360+ OC_ex_stagevar_info_displayname
361+ OC_ex_stagevar_info_name
364+type StringPool struct {
365+ List []string
366+ Map map[string]int
369+func NewStringPool() *StringPool {
370+ return &StringPool{Map: make(map[string]int)}
372+func (sp *StringPool) Clear(s string) {
373+ sp.List, sp.Map = nil, make(map[string]int)
375+func (sp *StringPool) Add(s string) int {
376+ i, ok := sp.Map[s]
377+ if !ok {
378+ i = len(sp.List)
379+ sp.List = append(sp.List, s)
380+ sp.Map[s] = i
381+ }
382+ return i
385+type BytecodeExp []OpCode
387+func (be *BytecodeExp) appendFloat(f float32) {
388+ *be = append(append(*be, OC_float),
389+ (*(*[4]OpCode)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)))[:]...)
391+func (be *BytecodeExp) appendInt(i int32) {
392+ *be = append(append(*be, OC_int), (*(*[4]OpCode)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)))[:]...)
394+func (be *BytecodeExp) AppendValue(t ValueType, v float64) (ok bool) {
395+ if math.IsNaN(v) {
396+ return false
397+ }
398+ switch t {
399+ case VT_Float:
400+ be.appendFloat(float32(v))
401+ case VT_Int:
402+ if v >= -128 || v <= 127 {
403+ *be = append(*be, OC_int8, OpCode(v))
404+ } else {
405+ be.appendInt(int32(v))
406+ }
407+ case VT_Bool:
408+ if v != 0 {
409+ *be = append(*be, OC_int8, 1)
410+ } else {
411+ *be = append(*be, OC_int8, 0)
412+ }
413+ default:
414+ return false
415+ }
416+ return true
419+type StateBytecode struct {
420+ stateType StateType
421+ moveType MoveType
422+ physics StateType
425+func newStateBytecode() *StateBytecode {
426+ return &StateBytecode{stateType: ST_S, moveType: MT_I, physics: ST_N}
429+type Bytecode struct{ states map[int32]StateBytecode }
431+func newBytecode() *Bytecode {
432+ return &Bytecode{states: make(map[int32]StateBytecode)}
--- a/src/compiler.go
+++ b/src/compiler.go
@@ -2,77 +2,13 @@ package main
33 import (
44 "fmt"
5+ "math"
56 "strings"
67 )
89 const kuuhaktokigou = " !=<>()|&+-*/%,[]^|:\"\t\r\n"
10-type StateType int32
12-const (
13- ST_S StateType = 1 << iota
14- ST_C
15- ST_A
16- ST_L
17- ST_N
18- ST_U
19- ST_D = ST_L
20- ST_F = ST_N
21- ST_P = ST_U
24-type AttackType int32
26-const (
27- AT_NA AttackType = 1 << (iota + 6)
28- AT_NT
29- AT_NP
30- AT_SA
31- AT_ST
32- AT_SP
33- AT_HA
34- AT_HT
35- AT_HP
38-type MoveType int32
40-const (
41- MT_I MoveType = 1 << (iota + 15)
42- MT_H
43- MT_A = MT_I + 1
44- MT_U = MT_H + 1
45- MT_MNS = MT_I
46- MT_PLS = MT_H
49-type ValueType int
51-const (
52- VT_Any ValueType = iota
53- VT_Float
54- VT_Int
55- VT_Bool
58-type ByteExp []byte
59-type StateByteCode struct {
60- stateType StateType
61- moveType MoveType
62- physics StateType
65-func newStateByteCode() *StateByteCode {
66- return &StateByteCode{stateType: ST_S, moveType: MT_I, physics: ST_N}
69-type ByteCode struct{ states map[int32]StateByteCode }
71-func newByteCode() *ByteCode {
72- return &ByteCode{states: make(map[int32]StateByteCode)}
75-type ExpFunc func(out *ByteExp, in *string) (ValueType, error)
11+type ExpFunc func(out *BytecodeExp, in *string) (ValueType, float64, error)
7612 type Compiler struct{ cmdl *CommandList }
7814 func newCompiler() *Compiler {
@@ -185,28 +121,42 @@ func (c *Compiler) tokenizer(in *string) string {
185121 *in = (*in)[ia:]
186122 return token
187123 }
188-func (c *Compiler) expBoolOr(out *ByteExp, in *string) (ValueType, error) {
124+func (c *Compiler) expBoolOr(out *BytecodeExp, in *string) (ValueType,
125+ float64, error) {
189126 unimplemented()
190- return 0, nil
127+ return 0, 0, nil
191128 }
192-func (c *Compiler) typedExp(ef ExpFunc, out *ByteExp, in *string,
193- vt ValueType) error {
194- t, err := ef(out, in)
129+func (c *Compiler) typedExp(ef ExpFunc, out *BytecodeExp, in *string,
130+ vt ValueType) (float64, error) {
131+ var be BytecodeExp
132+ t, v, err := ef(&be, in)
195133 if err != nil {
196- return err
134+ return 0, err
197135 }
198- unimplemented()
199- return nil
136+ if len(be) == 0 && vt != VT_Variant {
137+ if vt == VT_Bool {
138+ if v != 0 {
139+ v = 1
140+ } else {
141+ v = 0
142+ }
143+ }
144+ return v, nil
145+ }
146+ *out = append(*out, be...)
147+ out.AppendValue(t, v)
148+ return math.NaN(), nil
200149 }
201-func (c *Compiler) fullExpression(out *ByteExp, in *string,
202- vt ValueType) error {
203- if err := c.typedExp(c.expBoolOr, out, in, vt); err != nil {
204- return err
150+func (c *Compiler) fullExpression(out *BytecodeExp, in *string,
151+ vt ValueType) (float64, error) {
152+ v, err := c.typedExp(c.expBoolOr, out, in, vt)
153+ if err != nil {
154+ return 0, err
205155 }
206156 if token := c.tokenizer(in); len(token) > 0 {
207- return Error(token + "が不正です")
157+ return 0, Error(token + "が不正です")
208158 }
209- return nil
159+ return v, nil
210160 }
211161 func (c *Compiler) parseSection(lines []string, i *int,
212162 sctrl func(name, data string) error) (IniSection, error) {
@@ -293,7 +243,7 @@ func (c *Compiler) stateParam(is IniSection, name string,
293243 }
294244 return nil
295245 }
296-func (c *Compiler) stateDef(is IniSection, sbc *StateByteCode) error {
246+func (c *Compiler) stateDef(is IniSection, sbc *StateBytecode) error {
297247 return c.stateSec(is, func() error {
298248 if err := c.stateParam(is, "type", func(data string) error {
299249 if len(data) == 0 {
@@ -360,6 +310,8 @@ func (c *Compiler) stateDef(is IniSection, sbc *StateByteCode) error {
360310 return err
361311 }
362312 if err := c.stateParam(is, "hitcountpersist", func(data string) error {
313+ var be BytecodeExp
314+ v, err := c.fullExpression(&be, &data, VT_Bool)
363315 unimplemented()
364316 return nil
365317 }); err != nil {
@@ -369,7 +321,7 @@ func (c *Compiler) stateDef(is IniSection, sbc *StateByteCode) error {
369321 return nil
370322 })
371323 }
372-func (c *Compiler) stateCompile(bc *ByteCode, filename, def string) error {
324+func (c *Compiler) stateCompile(bc *Bytecode, filename, def string) error {
373325 var lines []string
374326 if err := LoadFile(&filename, def, func(filename string) error {
375327 str, err := LoadText(filename)
@@ -403,7 +355,7 @@ func (c *Compiler) stateCompile(bc *ByteCode, filename, def string) error {
403355 if err != nil {
404356 return errmes(err)
405357 }
406- sbc := newStateByteCode()
358+ sbc := newStateBytecode()
407359 if err := c.stateDef(is, sbc); err != nil {
408360 return errmes(err)
409361 }
@@ -411,8 +363,8 @@ func (c *Compiler) stateCompile(bc *ByteCode, filename, def string) error {
411363 }
412364 return nil
413365 }
414-func (c *Compiler) Compile(n int, def string) (*ByteCode, error) {
415- bc := newByteCode()
366+func (c *Compiler) Compile(n int, def string) (*Bytecode, error) {
367+ bc := newBytecode()
416368 str, err := LoadText(def)
417369 if err != nil {
418370 return nil, err
--- a/src/system.go
+++ b/src/system.go
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ var sys = System{
3030 allPalFX: *NewPalFX(),
3131 sel: *newSelect(),
3232 match: 1,
33- inputRemap: [...]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7},
3433 listenPort: "7500",
3534 loader: *newLoader(),
3635 numSimul: [2]int{2, 2},
@@ -93,6 +92,7 @@ type System struct {
9392 esc bool
9493 loadMutex sync.Mutex
9594 ignoreMostErrors bool
95+ stringPool [MaxSimul * 2]StringPool
9696 }
9898 func (s *System) init(w, h int32) *lua.LState {
@@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ func (s *System) init(w, h int32) *lua.LState {
116116 s.audioOpen()
117117 l := lua.NewState()
118118 l.OpenLibs()
119+ for i := range s.inputRemap {
120+ s.inputRemap[i] = i
121+ }
122+ for i := range s.stringPool {
123+ s.stringPool[i] = *NewStringPool()
124+ }
119125 systemScriptInit(l)
120126 return l
121127 }
@@ -374,7 +380,7 @@ type Loader struct {
374380 state LoaderState
375381 loadExit chan LoaderState
376382 err error
377- code [MaxSimul * 2]*ByteCode
383+ code [MaxSimul * 2]*Bytecode
378384 }
380386 func newLoader() *Loader {