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D bindings to the GraphicsMagick library.

Nom Taille Révision l'heure Auteur Message de Log
README 1.78 k dd49859 2023-07-22 15:10:38 Mio [examples] Add extract_gif example
build.sh 4.6 k 86cc55e 2023-07-22 10:15:52 Mio [examples] Consolidate magickd build ...
convert.d 1.72 k e225861 2023-07-22 09:47:39 Mio [examples] Update MagickD to use init...
extract_gif.d 3.25 k dd49859 2023-07-22 15:10:38 Mio [examples] Add extract_gif example
make_gif.d 2.21 k f5f1ebd 2023-07-22 15:03:24 Mio [examples] Update make_gif to produce...
ping.d 2.29 k e225861 2023-07-22 09:47:39 Mio [examples] Update MagickD to use init...
soyosoyo_a_2x5_10.gif 185.94 k 231838a 2023-07-22 14:51:21 Mio [examples] Add test GIF Source: http...


MagickD Examples

This directory contains a few example files showing different ways of using
the MagickD API.

Also included in this directory is a build script (build.sh) which will
compile all of the examples.  You can specify which compiler to use with
the respective flag (--dmd, --gdc, --ldc) and the prodduces binary will
be suffixed with the compiler identifier (_dmd, _gdc, _ldc).


* convert.d:     An example which takes an input file, applies some
                 modifications, and writes it to a specified output file.
                 ./convert <infile> <outfile>

* extract_gif.d: A custom example that takes an input GIF image and breaks
                 it up in to separate frames and writes each frame in to
                 a sub-directory based off of the input filename.  Delay
                 and DisposeType information is displayed where valid to
                 assist with re-creating the GIF.
                 ./extract_gif <infile.GIF>

* make_gif.d:    A custom example which demonstrates how you can make a GIF
                 from multiple input images.
                 ./make_gif <infile1> <infile2> [...<infileN>] <outfile>

* ping.d:        A custom example which shows how to read information about an
                 image using the D Wrapper of the C library. ./ping <infile>

Supporting Files

* soyosoyo_a_2x5_10.gif:  The GIF file that is used for testing extract_gif and
                          make_gif.  The delay between frames is 10 hundredths
                          of a second, and the dispose type is background.  If
                          you want to try your own GIF, you'll probably have to
                          edit make_gif.d.
                          SOURCE: https://piapro.jp/t/MCZP