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Ruby GTK3移行後のメインリポジトリ

Commit MetaInfo

Révision08dd8a652153dd64901f150e289fe485aba87e79 (tree)
l'heure2015-06-07 15:56:49
AuteurShyouzou Sugitani <shy@user...>
CommiterShyouzou Sugitani

Message de Log

add dll/wmove.rb

Change Summary


--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ninix/dll/wmove.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
1+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3+# wmove.rb - a wmove.dll compatible Saori module for ninix
4+# Copyright (C) 2003-2015 by Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@users.osdn.me>
6+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as
8+# published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in the
9+# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
11+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
14+# TODO:
18+require "gtk3"
20+require "ninix/dll"
21+require "ninix/pix"
24+class Saori < DLL::SAORI
26+ def initialize
27+ super()
28+ @__sakura = nil
29+ end
31+ def need_ghost_backdoor(sakura)
32+ @__sakura = sakura
33+ end
35+ def load(dir: nil)
36+ @commands = [[], []]
37+ @timeout_id = nil
38+ @dir = dir
39+ result = 0
40+ if not @__sakura
41+ #pass
42+ elsif @loaded == 1
43+ result = 2
44+ else
45+ @sakura_name = @__sakura.get_selfname()
46+ @kero_name = @__sakura.get_keroname()
47+ @loaded = 1
48+ result = 1
49+ end
50+ return result
51+ end
53+ def finalize
54+ if @timeout_id
55+ GLib::Source.remove(@timeout_id)
56+ @timeout_id = nil
57+ end
58+ @commands = [[], []]
59+ @sakura_name = ''
60+ @kero_name = ''
61+ return 1
62+ end
64+ def __check_argument(argument)
65+ name = argument[0]
66+ result = true
67+ list_hwnd = [@sakura_name, @kero_name] ## FIXME: HWND support
68+ if ['MOVE', 'MOVE_INSIDE', 'MOVETO', 'MOVETO_INSIDE'].include?(name)
69+ if argument.length != 4 or not list_hwnd.include?(argument[1])
70+ result = false
71+ end
72+ elsif ['ZMOVE', 'WAIT'].include?(name)
73+ if argument.length != 3 or not list_hwnd.include?(argument[1])
74+ result = false
75+ end
76+ elsif ['STANDBY', 'STANDBY_INSIDE'].include?(name)
77+ if argument.length != 6 or \
78+ not list_hwnd.include?(argument[1]) or \
79+ not list_hwnd.include?(argument[2])
80+ result = false
81+ end
82+ elsif ['GET_POSITION', 'CLEAR'].include?(name)
83+ if argument.length != 2 or not list_hwnd.include?(argument[1])
84+ result = false
85+ end
86+ elsif name == 'GET_DESKTOP_SIZE'
87+ if argument.length != 1
88+ result = false
89+ end
90+ elsif name == 'NOTIFY'
91+ if argument.length < 3 or argument.length > 8 or \
92+ not list_hwnd.include?(argument[1])
93+ result = false
94+ end
95+ end
96+ return result
97+ end
99+ def request(req)
100+ req_type, argument = evaluate_request(req)
101+ if not req_type
102+ result = RESPONSE[400]
103+ elsif req_type == 'GET Version'
104+ result = RESPONSE[204]
105+ elsif req_type == 'EXECUTE'
106+ result = execute(argument)
107+ else
108+ result = RESPONSE[400]
109+ end
110+ return result
111+ end
113+ def execute(args)
114+ if not args
115+ result = RESPONSE[400]
116+ elsif not __check_argument(args)
117+ result = RESPONSE[400]
118+ else
119+ name = args[0]
120+ if name == 'GET_POSITION'
121+ if args[1] == @sakura_name ## FIXME: HWND support
122+ side = 0
123+ elsif args[1] == @kero_name ## FIXME: HWND support
124+ side = 1
125+ else
126+ return RESPONSE[400]
127+ end
128+ begin
129+ x, y = @__sakura.get_surface_position(side)
130+ w, h = @__sakura.get_surface_size(side)
131+ result = 'SAORI/1.0 200 OK\r\n' \
132+ 'Result: ' + x.to_s + '\r\n' \
133+ 'Value0: ' + x.to_s + '\r\n' \
134+ 'Value1: ' + (x + (w / 2).to_i).to_s + '\r\n' \
135+ 'Value2: ' + (x + w).to_s + '\r\n\r\n'
136+ result = result.encode('ascii')
137+ rescue
138+ result = RESPONSE[500]
139+ end
140+ elsif name == 'GET_DESKTOP_SIZE'
141+ begin
142+ left, top, scrn_w, scrn_h = Pix.get_workarea()
143+ result = 'SAORI/1.0 200 OK\r\n' \
144+ + 'Result: ' + scrn_w.to_s + '\r\n' \
145+ + 'Value0: ' + scrn_w.to_s + '\r\n' \
146+ + 'Value1: ' + scrn_h.to_s + '\r\n\r\n'
147+ result = result.encode('ascii')
148+ rescue
149+ result = RESPONSE[500]
150+ end
151+ else
152+ enqueue_commands(name, args[1..-1])
153+ if @timeout_id == nil
154+ do_idle_tasks()
155+ end
156+ result = RESPONSE[204]
157+ end
158+ return result
159+ end
160+ end
162+ def enqueue_commands(command, args)
164+ # 'ZMOVE', 'WAIT', 'NOTIFY',
166+ # 'CLEAR'].include?(command)
167+ if args[0] == @sakura_name ## FIXME: HWND support
168+ side = 0
169+ elsif args[0] == @kero_name ## FIXME: HWND support
170+ side = 1
171+ else
172+ return # XXX
173+ end
174+ if command == 'CLEAR'
175+ @commands[side] = []
176+ else
177+ if ['STANDBY', 'STANDBY_INSIDE'].include?(command)
178+ @commands[0] = []
179+ @commands[1] = []
180+ end
181+ @commands[side] << [command, args[1..-1]]
182+ end
183+ end
185+ def do_idle_tasks
186+ for side in [0, 1]
187+ if @commands[side]
188+ command, args = @commands[side].shift
189+ if ['MOVE', 'MOVE_INSIDE'].include?(command)
190+ x, y = @__sakura.get_surface_position(side)
191+ vx = args[0].to_i
192+ speed = args[1].to_i
193+ if command == 'MOVE_INSIDE'
194+ w, h = @__sakura.get_surface_size(side)
195+ left, top, scrn_w, scrn_h = Pix.get_workarea()
196+ if vx < 0 and x + vx <0
197+ vx = [-x, 0].min
198+ elsif vx > 0 and x + vx + w > left + scrn_w
199+ vx = [left + scrn_w - w - x, 0].max
200+ end
201+ end
202+ if vx.abs > speed
203+ if vx > 0
204+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(
205+ side, x + speed, y)
206+ @commands[side].insert(
207+ 0, [command, [(vx - speed).to_s, args[1]]])
208+ elsif vx < 0
209+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(
210+ side, x - speed, y)
211+ @commands[side].insert(
212+ 0, [command, [(vx + speed).to_s, args[1]]])
213+ end
214+ else
215+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(side, x + vx, y)
216+ end
217+ elsif ['MOVETO', 'MOVETO_INSIDE'].include?(command)
218+ x, y = @__sakura.get_surface_position(side)
219+ to = args[0].to_i
220+ speed = args[1].to_i
221+ if command == 'MOVETO_INSIDE'
222+ w, h = @__sakura.get_surface_size(side)
223+ left, top, scrn_w, scrn_h = Pix.get_workarea()
224+ if to < 0
225+ to = 0
226+ elsif to > left + scrn_w - w
227+ to = left + scrn_w - w
228+ end
229+ end
230+ if (to - x).abs > speed
231+ if to - x > 0
232+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(
233+ side, x + speed, y)
234+ @commands[side].insert(0, [command, args])
235+ elsif to - x < 0
236+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(
237+ side, x - speed, y)
238+ @commands[side].insert(0, [command, args])
239+ end
240+ else
241+ @__sakura.set_surface_position(side, to, y)
242+ end
243+ elsif ['STANDBY', 'STANDBY_INSIDE'].include?(command)
244+ #pass ## FIXME
245+ elsif command == 'ZMOVE'
246+ if args[0] == '1'
247+ @__sakura.raise_surface(side)
248+ elsif args[0] == '2'
249+ @__sakura.lower_surface(side)
250+ else
251+ #@pass
252+ end
253+ elsif command == 'WAIT'
254+ begin
255+ wait = args[0].to_i # ms
256+ rescue
257+ wait = 0
258+ end
259+ if wait < 25
260+ #pass
261+ else
262+ @commands[side].insert(0, ['WAIT', (wait - 20).to_s])
263+ end
264+ elsif command == 'NOTIFY'
265+ @__sakura.notify_event(*args)
266+ end
267+ end
268+ if not @commands[0] and not @commands[1]
269+ if @timeout_id != nil
270+ GLib::Source.remove(@timeout_id)
271+ @timeout_id = nil
272+ end
273+ else
274+ if @timeout_id == nil
275+ @timeout_id = GLib::Timeout.add(20) { do_idle_tasks }
276+ end
277+ end
278+ end
279+ end
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-saori-wmove.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
1+require "ninix/dll/wmove"
3+module NinixTest
5+ class WmoveTest
7+ def initialize
8+ @x = [100, 320]
9+ @y = [200, 400]
10+ saori = Saori.new
11+ saori.setup
12+ saori.need_ghost_backdoor(self)
13+ saori.load
14+ saori.request("") # XXX
15+ print(saori.execute(nil), "\n")
16+ print(saori.execute(['GET_DESKTOP_SIZE']), "\n")
17+ print(saori.execute(['GET_POSITION', ""]), "\n")
18+ print(saori.execute(['GET_POSITION', get_selfname]), "\n")
19+ print(saori.execute(['GET_POSITION', get_keroname]), "\n")
20+ print(saori.execute(['CLEAR']), "\n")
21+ print(saori.execute(['CLEAR', get_selfname]), "\n")
22+ print(saori.execute(['CLEAR', get_keroname]), "\n")
23+ print(saori.execute(
24+ ['STANDBY', get_selfname, get_keroname,
25+ "-10", "1", "5"]),
26+ "\n")
27+ print(saori.execute(
28+ ['STANDBY_INSIDE', get_keroname, get_selfname,
29+ "20", "3", "12"]),
30+ "\n")
31+ print(saori.execute(['MOVE', get_selfname, "100", "50"]), "\n")
32+ print(saori.execute(['MOVE_INSIDE', get_keroname, "-100", "50"]), "\n")
33+ saori.do_idle_tasks # move
34+ saori.do_idle_tasks # move
35+ saori.do_idle_tasks # move
36+ print(saori.execute(['MOVETO', get_keroname, "640", "50"]), "\n")
37+ print(saori.execute(['MOVETO_INSIDE', get_selfname, "320", "10"]), "\n")
38+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
39+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
40+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
41+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
42+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
43+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
44+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
45+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
46+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
47+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
48+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
49+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
50+ saori.do_idle_tasks # moveto
51+ print(saori.execute(['ZMOVE', get_selfname, '1']), "\n")
52+ print(saori.execute(['ZMOVE', get_selfname, '2']), "\n")
53+ print(saori.execute(['ZMOVE', get_keroname, '1']), "\n")
54+ print(saori.execute(['ZMOVE', get_keroname, '2']), "\n")
55+ saori.do_idle_tasks # raise
56+ saori.do_idle_tasks # lower
57+ print(saori.execute(['WAIT', get_selfname, "26"]), "\n") # > 25[ms]
58+ print(saori.execute(['WAIT', get_keroname, "0"]), "\n")
59+ saori.do_idle_tasks # wait
60+ saori.do_idle_tasks # wait(only sakura side)
61+ print(saori.execute(
62+ ['NOTIFY', get_selfname, "TEST EVENT(S)", "REF0"]),
63+ "\n")
64+ print(saori.execute(
65+ ['NOTIFY', get_keroname, "TEST EVENT(K)", "REF0", "REF1"]),
66+ "\n")
67+ saori.do_idle_tasks # notify
68+ saori.finalize
69+ end
71+ def get_selfname
72+ return "Sakura"
73+ end
75+ def get_keroname
76+ return "Kero"
77+ end
79+ def get_surface_size(side)
80+ return 50, 100
81+ end
83+ def get_surface_position(side)
84+ return @x[side], @y[side]
85+ end
87+ def set_surface_position(side, x, y)
88+ print("SIDE: ", side, "\n")
89+ print("POSITION: ", x, ", ", y, "\n")
90+ @x[side] = x
91+ @y[side] = y
92+ end
94+ def raise_surface(side)
95+ print("RAISE: ", side, "\n")
96+ end
98+ def lower_surface(side)
99+ print("LOWER: ", side, "\n")
100+ end
102+ def notify_event(*args)
103+ print("NOTIFY: ", args, "\n")
104+ end
105+ end