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Commit MetaInfo

Révision9c511355abea4330e3eaba603f2b2964396bc355 (tree)
l'heure2018-09-12 21:41:43
Auteurxiaominc <xiaomin.chen@inte...>

Message de Log

Add new BRC mode AVBR

Average variable bitrate control algorithm focuses on overall encoding
quality while meeting the specified target bitrate, within the accuracy
range, after a convergence period.

Change-Id: I048697bd4b40c571a22a551ae56578cc7512e39a
Signed-off-by: xiaominc <xiaomin.chen@intel.com>

Change Summary


--- a/va/va.h
+++ b/va/va.h
@@ -827,6 +827,16 @@ typedef struct _VAConfigAttrib {
827827 * and reuse quality_factor in \c VAEncMiscParameterRateControl
828828 * */
829829 #define VA_RC_QVBR 0x00000400
830+/** \brief Average VBR
831+ * Average variable bitrate control algorithm focuses on overall encoding
832+ * quality while meeting the specified target bitrate, within the accuracy
833+ * range, after a convergence period.
834+ * bits_per_second in VAEncMiscParameterRateControl is target bitrate for AVBR.
835+ * Convergence is specified in the unit of frame.
836+ * window_size in VAEncMiscParameterRateControl is equal to convergence for AVBR.
837+ * Accuracy is in the range of [1,100], 1 means one percent, and so on.
838+ * target_percentage in VAEncMiscParameterRateControl is equal to accuracy for AVBR. */
839+#define VA_RC_AVBR 0x00000800
831841 /**@}*/