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Commit MetaInfo

Révisionbfd75c3c48e3c4bc6e2f151e1ff69cfe74d3d651 (tree)
l'heure2016-06-24 02:59:00
Auteursparky4 <sparky4@cock...>

Message de Log

tesuto0 made for understanding doslib fast rendering~

Change Summary


--- a/src/tesuto0.c
+++ b/src/tesuto0.c
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
3030 if(argv[1]) bakapee1 = argv[1];
3131 if(argv[2]) bakapee2 = argv[2];
3232 }
33- printf("1=%s 2=%s\n", bakapee1, bakapee2);
34- while (getch() != 13);
3634 fd = open(bakapee1,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
3735 if (fd < 0) {
@@ -113,79 +111,8 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
113111 vga_state.vga_graphics_ram[o] = (i^j)&15; // VRL samples put all colors in first 15!
114112 }
115113 }
116- //while (getch() != 13);
118- /* make distinctive pattern offscreen, render sprite, copy onscreen */
119- {
120- const unsigned int offscreen_ofs = (vga_state.vga_stride * vga_state.vga_height);
121- unsigned int i,j,o,o2,x,y,rx,ry,w,h;
122- unsigned int overdraw = 1; // how many pixels to "overdraw" so that moving sprites with edge pixels don't leave streaks.
123- // if the sprite's edge pixels are clear anyway, you can set this to 0.
124- VGA_RAM_PTR omemptr;
125- int xdir=1,ydir=1;
127- /* starting coords. note: this technique is limited to x coordinates of multiple of 4 */
128- x = 0;
129- y = 0;
131- /* do it */
132- omemptr = vga_state.vga_graphics_ram; // save original mem ptr
133- //while (1) {
134- /* stop animating if the user hits ENTER */
135- // if (kbhit()) {
136- // if (getch() == 13) break;
137- // }
139- /* render box bounds. y does not need modification, but x and width must be multiple of 4 */
140- if (x >= overdraw) rx = (x - overdraw) & (~3);
141- else rx = 0;
142- if (y >= overdraw) ry = (y - overdraw);
143- else ry = 0;
144- h = vrl_header->height + overdraw + y - ry;
145- w = (x + vrl_header->width + (overdraw*2) + 3/*round up*/ - rx) & (~3);
146- if ((rx+w) > vga_state.vga_width) w = vga_state.vga_width-rx;
147- if ((ry+h) > vga_state.vga_height) h = vga_state.vga_height-ry;
149- /* replace VGA stride with our own and mem ptr. then sprite rendering at this stage is just (0,0) */
150- vga_state.vga_draw_stride_limit = (vga_state.vga_width + 3/*round up*/ - x) >> 2;
151- vga_state.vga_draw_stride = w >> 2;
152- vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = omemptr + offscreen_ofs;
154- /* first draw pattern corresponding to that part of the screen. this COULD be optimized, obviously, but it's designed for study.
155- * also note we don't have to use the same stride as the display! */
156- for (i=rx;i < (rx+w);i++) {
157- o = (i-rx) >> 2;
158- vga_write_sequencer(0x02/*map mask*/,1 << (i&3));
159- for (j=ry;j < (ry+h);j++,o += vga_state.vga_draw_stride)
160- vga_state.vga_graphics_ram[o] = (i^j)&15; // VRL samples put all colors in first 15!
161- }
163- /* then the sprite. note modding ram ptr means we just draw to (x&3,0) */
164- draw_vrl1_vgax_modex(x-rx,y-ry,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));
166- /* restore ptr */
167- vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = omemptr;
169- /* block copy to visible RAM from offscreen */
170- vga_setup_wm1_block_copy();
171- o = offscreen_ofs; // source offscreen
172- o2 = (ry * vga_state.vga_stride) + (rx >> 2); // dest visible (original stride)
173- for (i=0;i < h;i++,o += vga_state.vga_draw_stride,o2 += vga_state.vga_stride) vga_wm1_mem_block_copy(o2,o,w >> 2);
174- /* must restore Write Mode 0/Read Mode 0 for this code to continue drawing normally */
175- vga_restore_rm0wm0();
177- /* restore stride */
178- vga_state.vga_draw_stride_limit = vga_state.vga_draw_stride = vga_state.vga_stride;
180- /* step */
181- x += xdir;
182- y += ydir;
183- if (x >= (vga_state.vga_width - 1) || x == 0)
184- xdir = -xdir;
185- if (y >= (vga_state.vga_height - 1) || y == 0)
186- ydir = -ydir;
187- //}
188- }
115+ //draw_vrl1_vgax_modex(0/*x-rx*/,0/*y-ry*/,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));
190117 /* make distinctive pattern offscreen, render sprite, copy onscreen.
191118 * this time, we render the distinctive pattern to another offscreen location and just copy.