Liste des pâtes

nsvtl_repository_has_VTL-2.asm (Plain text) 2022-09-25 22:09
Just a note about moving the VTL-2 68XX working files.
binary2ascii.fs (Plain text) 2020-04-09 09:19
binary to ascii (up to carriage return, within limits of input buffer length length)
PRIMES.BAS (Plain text) 2019-04-23 11:55
Building a sieve and counting primes in BASIC on the venerable Color Computer. Can go up to 4,100 primes in a 32K machine, see MAX on line 10. 4,100 requires three minutes or so.
irregv_dend.text (Plain text) 2017-07-07 12:19
A list for analyzing d/t endings in irregular verbs: <> The list is from the wikipedia and wi...
econmonths.fs (Plain text) 2017-04-11 01:35
Forth programs for showing the days in the years and months, with skip years (instead of leap years), for Bobbie, Karel, Dan, and Kristie's world. The novel can be found at
econmonth.bc (Plain text) 2017-04-11 01:17
*nix utility bc program for showing the days in the years and months, with skip years (instead of leap years), for Bobbie, Karel, Dan, and Kristie's world. The novel can be found at
econmonths.bc (Plain text) 2017-03-24 15:15
*nix utility bc program for showing the days in the years and months, with skip years (instead of leap years), for Bobbie, Karel, Dan, and Kristie's world. The novel can be found at
halfpiArea_by_m.bc (Plain text) 2016-10-04 22:01
Sort of like halfpiarea.c, but in bc source. なんとなく bc 型ソースコードにして halfpiarea.c のように動く 。 Compute the value of pi by using numerical methods to integrate the area of a half circle. 半円の面積を数値積分を使って計算し...
halfpiarea.c (Plain text) 2016-09-24 21:31
Compute the value of pi by using numerical methods to integrate the area of a half circle. 半円の面積を数値積分を使って計算して π の値を計算する。 Wanted something to teach my son a little about numerical methods. 息子に数値型やり方に...
shoechart.c (Plain text) 2014-02-14 22:29
Prints a table of conversions from inches to centimeters at every half inch. 半インチ毎のインチ〜センチメートルの変換表を表示する。