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XML catalogue of packages which are available for installation, using the mingw-get installer.

Commit MetaInfo

Révision10bb202107b9980f142db39dbb66f1bd0581fbfa (tree)
l'heure2010-05-22 01:36:46
AuteurCharles Wilson <cwilso11@user...>
CommiterCharles Wilson

Message de Log

Added msys-gzip.xml

Change Summary


--- /dev/null
+++ b/msys/msys-gzip.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2+<software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://mingw.org" issue="@YYYYMMDDNN@">
3+ <package-collection subsystem="msys">
4+ <download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
5+ <package name="msys-gzip">
6+ <affiliate group="MSYS Base System" />
7+ <description lang="en" title="gzip: compress or expand files" >
8+ <paragraph>Gzip reduces the size of the named files using
9+ Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77). Whenever possible, each file is
10+ replaced by one with the extension .gz, while keeping the same
11+ ownership modes, access and modification times. The LZ77 algorithm
12+ is the same one used by zip and PKZIP "deflate". The amount of
13+ compression obtained depends on the size of the input and the
14+ distribution of common substrings. Typically, text such as
15+ source code or English is reduced by 60-70%. Compression is
16+ generally much better than that achieved by LZW (as used in
17+ compress), Huffman coding (as used in pack), or adaptive Huffman
18+ coding (compact). gzip is the de facto standard compression
19+ program on unix, and is universally available.
20+ </paragraph>
21+ </description>
22+ <component class="bin">
23+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-1-msys-1.0.11-bin.tar.lzma" />
24+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-2-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma" />
25+ <requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
26+ <requires eq="msys-coreutils-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
27+ <requires eq="msys-bash-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
28+ <requires eq="msys-less-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
29+ <requires eq="msys-grep-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
30+ <requires eq="msys-diffutils-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
31+ </component>
32+ <component class="doc">
33+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-1-msys-1.0.11-doc.tar.lzma" />
34+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-2-msys-1.0.13-doc.tar.lzma" />
35+ </component>
36+ <component class="lic">
37+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-1-msys-1.0.11-lic.tar.lzma" />
38+ <release tarname="gzip-1.3.12-2-msys-1.0.13-lic.tar.lzma" />
39+ </component>
40+ <licence tarname="gzip-%-msys-%-lic.tar" />
41+ <source tarname="gzip-%-msys-%-src.tar" />
42+ </package>
43+ </package-collection>