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Commit MetaInfo

Révisionff11d67b5d059391044a652a5e6b0f37344410df (tree)
l'heure2010-11-05 17:00:23
Auteurnabeshin <nabeshin@user...>

Message de Log

mirror .org

Change Summary


--- a/www.7-zip.org/history.txt
+++ b/www.7-zip.org/history.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
11 HISTORY of the 7-Zip
22 --------------------
4+9.18 beta 2010-11-02
6+- 7-Zip now can unpack SquashFS and CramFS filesystem images.
7+- 7-Zip now can unpack some TAR and ISO archives with incorrect headers.
8+- New small SFX module for installers (in Extra package).
9+- Some bugs were fixed.
412 9.17 beta 2010-10-04
513 -------------------------
614 - Disk fragmentation problem for ZIP archives created by 7-Zip was fixed.
--- a/www.7-zip.org/index.html
+++ b/www.7-zip.org/index.html
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
7676 </TR>
7777 </TABLE>
79-<P><B>Download 7-Zip 9.17 beta (2010-10-04) for Windows</B>:</P>
79+<P><B>Download 7-Zip 9.18 beta (2010-11-02) for Windows</B>:</P>
8080 <TABLE cellspacing ="1" cellpadding ="6" border = "0">
8181 <TR>
8282 <TH class="Title" align="center" width=60>Link</TH>
@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@
8585 <TH class="Title" align="center" width=55>Size</TH>
8686 </TR>
8787 <TR>
88- <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z917.exe">Download</A></TD>
88+ <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z918.exe">Download</A></TD>
8989 <TD class="Item" align="center">.exe</TD>
9090 <TD class="Item" align="center">32-bit</TD>
9191 <TD class="Item" align="center">1 MB</TD>
9292 </TR>
9393 <TR>
94- <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z917-x64.msi">Download</A></TD>
94+ <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z918-x64.msi">Download</A></TD>
9595 <TD class="Item" align="center">.msi</TD>
9696 <TD class="Item" align="center">x64</TD>
9797 <TD class="Item" align="center">1 MB</TD>
@@ -216,12 +216,25 @@ And <B>7-Zip</B> compresses to zip format 2-10% better than most of other zip co
217217 <TABLE class=News cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 border=0>
218218 <TR class=NewsHeader>
219+ <TD class=NewsTitle>7-Zip 9.18 beta</TD>
220+ <TD class=NewsDate>2010-11-02</TD></TR>
221+ <TR class=News>
222+ <TD class=NewsText colSpan=2>
223+ SquashFS and CramFS support.<BR>
224+ <A href="/history.txt">History of 7-zip changes</A><BR>
225+ </TD>
226+ </TR>
231+<TABLE class=News cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 border=0>
232+ <TR class=NewsHeader>
219233 <TD class=NewsTitle>7-Zip 9.17 beta</TD>
220234 <TD class=NewsDate>2010-10-04</TD></TR>
221235 <TR class=News>
222236 <TD class=NewsText colSpan=2>
223- Disk fragmentation problem for ZIP archives created by 7-Zip was fixed.<BR>
224- <A href="/history.txt">History of 7-zip changes</A><BR>
237+ Disk fragmentation problem for ZIP archives created by 7-Zip was fixed.
225238 </TD>
226239 </TR>
227240 </TABLE>
--- a/www.7-zip.org/links.html
+++ b/www.7-zip.org/links.html
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="7-Zip" /></a>
151151 <li><a href="http://www.nomad-net.info">Nomad.NET</a></li>
152152 <li><a href="http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html">The Unarchiver for MAC OS X</a></li>
153153 <li><a href="http://www.bitser.org/">Bitser</a></li>
154+ <li><a href="http://www.samsungapps.com/topApps/topAppsDetail.as?productId=G00000167438">BadaArchiver for Samsung Bada</a></li>
154155 </ul>
--- a/www.7-zip.org/sdk.html
+++ b/www.7-zip.org/sdk.html
@@ -68,21 +68,18 @@ and tools you need to develop applications that use <B>LZMA</B> compression.</P>
6868 <TD class="Item" rowspan=3>LZMA SDK (C, C++, C#, Java)</TD>
6969 </TR>
7070 <TR>
71- <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/lzma912.tar.bz2">Download</A></TD>
71+ <TD class="Item" align="center"><A href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/lzma918.tar.bz2">Download</A></TD>
7272 <TD class="Item" align="center">500 KB</TD>
73- <TD class="Item" align="center">2010-03-24</TD>
74- <TD class="Item" align="center">9.12 beta</TD>
73+ <TD class="Item" align="center">2010-11-02</TD>
74+ <TD class="Item" align="center">9.18 beta</TD>
7575 </TR>
7676 </TABLE>
7878 <P><B>What's new:</B>
7979 <UL>
80- <LI><B>9.12:</B> Some fixes.</LI>
80+ <LI><B>9.18:</B> New small SFX module for installers.</LI>
8181 <LI><B>9.11:</B> PPMd support.</LI>
82- <LI><B>9.10:</B> Some fixes.</LI>
83- <LI><B>9.06:</B> Some fixes.</LI>
8482 <LI><B>9.04:</B> LZMA2 and XZ support.</LI>
85- <LI><B>4.65:</B> Some fixes.</LI>
8683 <LI><B>4.62:</B> Some fixes. LZMA SDK is placed in the public domain.</LI>
8784 <LI><B>4.58:</B> Speed optimizations. New ANSI-C code for LZMA compression.</LI>
8885 <LI><B>4.57:</B> Speed optimizations. Some fixes.</LI>