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Révision l'heure Auteur
8ce1dd9 branch_r1_4_7 2011-06-05 23:20:01 henoheno

Merged from r1.5

f09985f 2011-06-05 22:52:00 pukiwikiadmin

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'branch_r1_4_7'.

318495c branch_r1_6 2011-06-05 22:51:59 henoheno

Japanese comments => English ones

1e5dd1a 2011-06-05 22:47:26 henoheno

TrackBack implimentation had been removed entirely
due to extremely strong suspicion of violating copyright.
referer function (that use the implimentation), also

1779cb3 2011-06-05 22:41:57 henoheno

TrackBack implimentation had been removed entirely
due to extremely strong suspicion of violating copyright.
referer function (that use the implimentation), also

a717719 2011-06-05 22:35:04 henoheno

BugTrack2/347: PukiWiki message file (Simplified Chinese) translated by: mike
http://code.google.com/p/miketrans/source/browse/trunk/pukiwiki/ (r50)

80df068 2011-06-05 22:32:59 henoheno

BugTrack2/347: diff hint (ja.lng.php)

f61d10d 2011-03-06 23:40:31 henoheno

Merged 1.50

5d9e4e5 2011-02-15 00:45:07 henoheno

BugTrack2/343 BugTrack/779 Cleanup transition (3):
* Add/Correct/Simplify more comments, checks
* Simplify $param

47d3212 2011-02-08 23:07:34 henoheno

BugTrack2/343 BugTrack/779 Cleanup transition (2):
* htmlspecialchars() everywhere except exception (for your security)
* \n
* Correct comments
* ref_check_arg() => ref_check_args() (to be continued?)
* init $variables
* Separate size-related code, into ref_check_size()

4c95e67 2011-02-06 22:50:46 henoheno

BugTrack2/343 BugTrack/779: Cleanup transition (1):
* Japanese comments => English ones
* &ref(); without arg shows its usage
* Remove comments that the souce already said
* Simplify renaming variables
* Simplify using htmlsc()
* Simplifying $params (to be continued)
* Simplifying $width/$height (to be continued)

6045d7a 2011-02-04 00:03:10 henoheno

2002-2006, 2011

d4fab39 2011-02-04 00:01:25 henoheno

BugTrack2/343 BugTrack/779: Cleanup:
* "Double $quotes"; => 'Single ' . $quotes;
* if (foo) bar; => if (foo) { bar; }
* Adding spaces

0146627 2011-02-02 00:02:19 henoheno

BugTrack2/343: htmlsc()'s default setting ENT_QUOTES suppresses replacing single quotes (notified by masao)

2f22d16 2011-02-02 00:01:18 henoheno

BugTrack2/343: htmlsc()'s default setting ENT_QUOTES suppresses replacing single quotes (notified by masao)

5e2f9ca 2011-01-31 00:50:26 henoheno

Modified only spaces

572fc12 2011-01-31 00:48:54 henoheno

htmlsc(): Just sugar for htmlspecialchars(), and a foundation

429ae9e 2011-01-26 00:01:01 henoheno

htmlsc(): Just sugar for htmlspecialchars(), and a foundation

c923e64 2011-01-25 23:00:42 henoheno

$Id: spam_util.php,v 1.5 2011/01/25 13:16:35 henoheno Exp $

04b062f 2011-01-25 23:00:15 henoheno

$Id: spam_util.php,v 1.5 2011/01/25 13:16:35 henoheno Exp $

abd3a2a 2011-01-25 00:34:58 henoheno

$spam = 1;

e8ea231 2011-01-25 00:34:39 henoheno

$Id: spam.php,v 1.221 2011/01/24 14:51:50 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam_pickup.php,v 1.71 2009/01/04 08:56:07 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam_util.php,v 1.4 2011/01/24 14:51:50 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam.ini.php,v 1.202 2010/12/15 16:07:38 henoheno Exp $

9a063d7 2011-01-25 00:21:29 pukiwikiadmin

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'branch_r1_4_7'.

6197bd7 2011-01-25 00:21:28 henoheno

$Id: spam.php,v 1.221 2011/01/24 14:51:50 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam_pickup.php,v 1.71 2009/01/04 08:56:07 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam_util.php,v 1.4 2011/01/24 14:51:50 henoheno Exp $
$Id: spam.ini.php,v 1.202 2010/12/15 16:07:38 henoheno Exp $

386fff4 2010-09-04 22:36:25 henoheno

$Id: spam.ini.php,v 1.198 2010/09/04 13:34:34 henoheno Exp $

a5a358d 2010-08-29 21:32:57 henoheno

BugTrack2/336: Tiki'a official Tiki site seems vanished.


"page archive on Oct 26 2002"

3b2c173 2010-04-19 23:22:40 henoheno

Compat: (PHP 5)

934bbf6 2010-04-19 23:14:51 henoheno

Compat: (PHP 5)

c034b1b 2009-12-13 23:32:27 henoheno

$Id: spam.ini.php,v 1.196 2009/12/13 14:29:02 henoheno Exp $
wsboards.com noticed, had been removed due to spam (Thanks Chris)

fe24bca 2009-04-18 09:56:33 henoheno

BugTrack2/320: Failure with page "0" (reverted before ../init.php r1.81)