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Commit MetaInfo

Révisionab4dc35c4365a096ac5aa1eb0a40f3abf28f19c4 (tree)
l'heure2012-10-29 23:25:36
Auteurh2so5 <h2so5@git....>

Message de Log

Merge branch 'develop' of git.sourceforge.jp:/gitroot/mmo/main

Change Summary


--- a/client/MiniMap.cpp
+++ b/client/MiniMap.cpp
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ void MiniMap::DrawPosAndCalc()
174174 auto player_manager = manager_accessor_->player_manager().lock();
175175 auto world_manager = manager_accessor_->world_manager().lock();
176176 auto command_manager = manager_accessor_->command_manager().lock();
177+ auto current_channel = command_manager->current_channel();
178179 const auto& providers = player_manager->char_data_providers();
179180 auto myself_pos = player_manager->char_data_providers()[player_manager->charmgr()->my_character_id()]->position();
@@ -184,8 +185,6 @@ void MiniMap::DrawPosAndCalc()
184185 float tmp_pos_x = 0, tmp_pos_z = 0;
185186 auto theta = 0.0f, mtheta = player_manager->char_data_providers()[player_manager->charmgr()->my_character_id()]->theta();
187- // 先に自分の位置を描画【中央固定】
188- DrawCircle( absolute_x() + absolute_width()/2, absolute_y() + absolute_height()/2, 2, GetColor(206,52,95));
190189 auto it = providers.begin();
191190 for(it; it != providers.end(); ++it)
@@ -203,6 +202,24 @@ void MiniMap::DrawPosAndCalc()
203202 if(tmp_pos_z > absolute_y() + absolute_height() -12 - 16)tmp_pos_z = absolute_y() + absolute_height() - 12 - 16;
204203 DrawCircle( tmp_pos_x, tmp_pos_z, 2, GetColor(23,162,175),TRUE);
205204 }
205+ if(current_channel){
206+ BOOST_FOREACH(auto it,current_channel->warp_points)
207+ {
208+ direction = VSub(VGet(it.x,it.y,it.z),myself_pos);
209+ direction.y = 0;
210+ theta = atan2( -direction.x, -direction.z);
211+ tmp_pos_x = ( sin(mtheta + TORADIAN(180.0f) - theta) * VSize(direction) * ( 1.0f / world_manager->stage()->map_scale()) )/ 3.0f + absolute_x() + absolute_width()/2;
212+ tmp_pos_z = ( cos(mtheta + TORADIAN(180.0f) - theta) * VSize(direction) * ( 1.0f / world_manager->stage()->map_scale()) )/ 3.0f + absolute_y() + absolute_height()/2; // y座標化する
213+ if(tmp_pos_x < absolute_x() + 12)tmp_pos_x = absolute_x() + 12;
214+ if(tmp_pos_x > absolute_x() + absolute_width() - 12)tmp_pos_x = absolute_x() + absolute_width() - 12;
215+ if(tmp_pos_z < absolute_y() + 12)tmp_pos_z = absolute_y() + 12;
216+ if(tmp_pos_z > absolute_y() + absolute_height() -12 - 16)tmp_pos_z = absolute_y() + absolute_height() - 12 - 16;
217+ DrawCircle( tmp_pos_x, tmp_pos_z, 3, GetColor(255,255,255),TRUE);
218+ }
219+ }
220+ // 最後に自分の位置を描画【中央固定】
221+ DrawCircle( absolute_x() + absolute_width()/2, absolute_y() + absolute_height()/2, 2, GetColor(206,52,95));
206223 prev_myself_pos_on_map_ = player_manager->char_data_providers()[player_manager->charmgr()->my_character_id()]->position();
208225 tstring login_num;