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Commit MetaInfo

Révision37063d6adf9b472a8bb4bd58493517e04aafba95 (tree)
l'heure2011-04-12 04:38:54
AuteurSimon Wilson <simonwilson@goog...>
CommiterSimon Wilson

Message de Log

DO NOT MERGE Clarify additional system update string length/usage

Change-Id: I627c3d50de1af23a620fe6ca3abac03ad3aa7d49

Change Summary


--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -2654,5 +2654,8 @@ found in the list of installed applications.</string>
26542654 <string name="wimax_settings_summary">Set up &amp; manage 4G network and modem</string>
26552655 <string name="status_wimax_mac_address">4G MAC address</string>
2657+ <!-- A menu item in "About phone" that allows the user to update the phone with settings
2658+ from their cell phone carrier. The use of the string is similar to the string
2659+ "system_update_settings_list_item_title" in this project. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
26572660 <string name="additional_system_update_settings_list_item_title">Additional system updates</string>
26582661 </resources>