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Description du projet

Burp is a program that backs up and restores data. It uses librsync in order to save on the amount of space that is used by each backup. It also uses VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to make snapshots when backing up Windows computers.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-28 08:28 Retour à la liste release

Cette version ajoute un mécanisme de mise à niveau automatiquement les clients. Il corrige un bug où les attributs sur les répertoires de Windows ne étaient pas se lire correctement. Elle résout un problème arrondi dans l'estimation de temps restant dans le moniteur du statut. Il existe diverses petites corrections de bogues. Windows depkgs ont été mis à niveau vers les dernières versions d'OpenSSL. Windows désinstaller des œuvres.
This release adds a mechanism for automatically upgrading clients. It fixes a bug where attributes on Windows directories were not getting read properly. It fixes a rounding problem in remaining time estimation in the status monitor. There are various small bugfixes. Windows depkgs have been upgraded to the latest versions of OpenSSL. Windows uninstall works.

Project Resources