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Description du projet

ccbuild is like a dynamic Makefile. ccbuild finds
all programs in the current directory (containing
"int main") and builds them. For this, it reads
the C++ sources and looks at all local and global
includes. All C++ files surrounding local includes
are considered objects for the main program. The
global includes lead to extra compiler arguments
using a configuration file. ccbuild splits these
arguments for compilation and linking, keeping the
linking arguments back for later use. It should
allow development without any scripting and only
simple reusable configuration. Deployment and
distribution should still be done with other
tools. It can create simple Makefiles, A-A-P
files, and graph dependencies using DOT (graphviz)

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-12-06 11:30 Retour à la liste release

Parce que l'archivage intermédiaire a été brisé, il est devenu une option expérimentale plutôt que d'un défaut. La boucle peut maintenant être fermé à l'aide q et l'archivage est exécutée uniquement quand il ya plusieurs objets.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Because intermediate archiving was broken, it was made an experimental option rather than a default. The loop can now be closed using q and archiving is only performed when there are multiple objects.

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