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Description du projet

CeeMedia is a program for cataloguing your movie
collection. It can retrieve information and cover
images from places such as Amazon, IMDb, All Movie
Guide, and AlloCiné. You can also write your own
plugin for retrieving data from your favorite
movie site. It also generally tries to provide the
user with the most comfortable interface available
for the task, while trying to follow the GNOME
Human Interface Guidelines.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-08-02 16:34 Retour à la liste release

C'est la dernière version 0.5.2 de sortie, offrant une vue réécrit étagère, une suggèrent-a feature-film, des plugins améliorés, et bien plus encore. Le film-view info vers la droite peut maintenant afficher le code HTML, et il est maintenant beaucoup plus jolie. «Proposer un film" peut filtrer maintenant à travers les États et également faire la normale et l'exécution de filtrage. La BMDI-plugin peut maintenant chercher couvre. Un "guide de démarrage" a été ajouté dans le film-view info (qui exige gtkhtml2). Un menu clic droit est maintenant disponible sur les films. "Importez des films à partir du dossier" peut désormais importer également les fichiers unique. Beaucoup de corrections de bugs ont été faites.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This is the final 0.5.2 release, featuring a
rewritten shelf view, a suggest-a-movie feature,
improved plugins, and much more. The movie-info
view to the right can now display HTML, and it is
now a lot prettier. "Suggest a movie" can now
filter through states and also do normal and
runtime filtering. The IMDb-plugin can now fetch
covers. A "guided startup" was added in the
movie-info view (which requires GtkHTML2). A right
click menu is now available on movies. "Import
movies from folder" can now also import single
files. Lots of bugfixes were made.

Project Resources