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Description du projet

CentOS is an enterprise Linux distribution based
on the sources from Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
CentOS conforms with Red Hat's redistribution
policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. Each
CentOS version is supported for 7 years (by means
of security updates). A new CentOS version is
released every 2 years and each CentOS version is
regularly updated (every 6 months) to support
newer hardware. Currently, there are 4 different
supported CentOS releases: CentOS-5 is based on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, CentOS-4 is based on
RHEL4, CentOS-3 is based on RHEL3, and CentOS-2 is
based on RHAS2.1.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-05-27 18:29 Retour à la liste release

Les 5,3 CentOS live CD a été mis à jour pour refléter la mise à jour 5.3 pour les grandes lignes de distribution CentOS. Le Live CD peut être utilisé comme une station de travail ou comme un environnement de secours. Emacs, Scribus, et les paquets k3b ont dû être retirés de rester sous 700MB. Vous pouvez facilement les installer avec les yum commande "install" pendant la course sous l'environnement du live CD.
Tags: CentOS-5 LiveCD
The CentOS 5.3 live CD has been updated to reflect the update to 5.3 in the mainline CentOS distribution. The live CD can be used as a workstation or as a rescue environment. The emacs, scribus, and k3b packages had to be removed to stay under 700MB. You can easily install them with the "yum install" command while running under the live CD environment.

Project Resources