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Description du projet

COOPY is a set of tools for distributed data projects. It supports diffing, patching, merging, and revision control of tables in a variety of formats (CSV, Excel, MySQL, Sqlite, etc).

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-05-16 08:06 Retour à la liste release

ssdiff peuvent maintenant produire un code de couleur, surligneur-style, diffs de tableau (par exemple les fichiers. xls), et sspatch peut les appliquer. Ces diffs peuvent être convertis en / à partir de diffs texte. Diffs peut être faite entre csv, xls, mdb, sqlite, mysql et les sources. Tous les mdb mais peuvent être patchés.
ssdiff can now produce color-coded, highlighter-style, tabular diffs (e.g. as .xls files), and sspatch can apply them. Such diffs can be converted to/from text diffs. Diffs can be made between csv, xls, mdb, sqlite, and mysql sources. All but mdb can be patched.

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