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Description du projet

CorsixTH is a clone of Theme Hospital. As computers evolve, we risk losing some classic games. Bullfrog's Theme Hospital, published in 1997, is a classic simulation game, but getting it to run natively on modern operating systems is getting progressively harder. CorsixTH aims to reimplement the game engine of Theme Hospital, and to be able to load the original game data files. This means that you will need a purchased copy of Theme Hospital, or a copy of the demo, in order to use CorsixTH. After most of the original engine has been reimplemented, the project will serve as a base from which extensions to the original game can be made.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-25 17:15 Retour à la liste release
Beta 3

Le plus grand est plus dans la beta3 objectifs de niveau et de la disponibilité de chambres et de maladies pour chaque niveau, ce qui entraîne une progression beaucoup mieux. En termes de contenu, plusieurs salles de plus et les maladies ont été mis en œuvre. En termes de gameplay, un mécanisme nouveau système de chauffage devrait permettre de mieux pour tenir le personnel et les patients heureux. Sur le front de l'assurance-chômage, il ya aussi maintenant un nombre illimité de fentes de sauvegarde, ainsi que l'amélioration de la gestion des boîtes de dialogue. Il ya également eu corrections d'erreurs tout au long.
The biggest addition in beta3 is level goals and different availability of rooms and diseases for each level, resulting in much better progression. In terms of content, several more rooms and diseases have been implemented. In terms of gameplay, a new heating mechanism should make it easier to keep staff and patients happy. On the UI front, there are also now an unlimited number of save slots, as well as improvements to management dialogs. There have also been bug-fixes all round.

Project Resources