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Description du projet

The DBI module enables your Perl applications to
access multiple database types transparently. You
can connect to MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Informix,
Sybase, ODBC, and other database systems without
having to know the different underlying interfaces
of each. The API defined by DBI will work on all
these database types and many more. You can
connect to multiple databases of different types
at the same time and easily move data between

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-12-23 07:13

connect () a été optimisé pour supprimer redondants FETCH.
Tags: Unstable, Minor
connect() was optimized to remove redundant FETCH.

2009-02-23 21:29

Le minimum pris en charge la version est désormais Perl 5.8.1. Une importation manquante de la carpe dans DBI:: Gofer:: Execute a été fixée. Il y avait aussi de petites corrections dans la documentation.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The minimum supported version now is Perl 5.8.1. A missing import of carp in DBI::Gofer::Execute was fixed. Also there were small fixes in the documentation.

2005-03-22 17:48

DBI:: DBD:: la création de métadonnées de type_info_all a été fixée. Auteurs de pilotes qui ont utilisé il doit le relancer. fetchall_hashref () prend maintenant en charge multi-hash imbriqués KeyField attirant.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
DBI::DBD::Metadata generation of type_info_all was
fixed. Driver authors who have used it should
rerun it. fetchall_hashref() now supports
multi-keyfield nested hash fetching.

Project Resources