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Description du projet

Enlightenment is a themeable, fast, flexible, and powerful window manager that is designed to be as configurable as possible in both look and feel. In addition, Enlightenment provides an applet API that provides functionality somewhere between the GNOME applet system and Dock Apps from Afterstep/WindowMaker. The current design aim is for Enlightenment to become a desktop shell.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-08-25 12:34 Retour à la liste release

Cette version comporte un commutateur de Imlib / FreeType à Imlib2/FreeType2. Il existe un nouveau "thème hivernal par défaut. La distribution est désormais divisé en programmes, documents, et des thèmes. Il ya «la transparence thème». Il ya beaucoup, de nombreux correctifs. La plupart des internes ont été massivement révisées depuis DR16.6.
This release features a switch from Imlib/FreeType to
Imlib2/FreeType2. There is a new "winter" default theme.
The distribution is now split up into programs, docs, and
themes. There is "theme transparency". There are many,
many bugfixes. Most of the internals have been massively
overhauled since DR16.6.

Project Resources