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Description du projet

EWG (Eiffel Wrapper Generator) is a tool that generates Eiffel wrapper classes for C libraries. It can be used to create libraries that bridge the gap between Eiffel and C. It aims to work for arbitrary ANSI C and with all common Eiffel compilers. It is ideal for creating cross-platform, cross-Eiffel-compiler, and
cross-C-compiler C library wrappers. It can handle pretty much all ANSI C, but understands Visual C and GCC extensions as well.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-09-20 20:19 Retour à la liste release

Support Visual Eiffel est maintenant supporté. La documentation a été améliorée. Les abstractions wrapper GTK ont été étendues et des exemples GTK nouvelles ont été ajoutées. La «ligne #" scanner directive est plus robuste et le mot clé "gcc __extension__" GETS analysée correctement. Problèmes avec les conventions Win32 appel et beaucoup d'autres bugs ont été corrigés.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Visual Eiffel support is now supported. The
documentation has been improved. The GTK wrapper
abstractions have been extended and new GTK
examples have been added. The "#line" directive
scanner is more robust and the gcc keyword
"__extension__" gets parsed correctly. Problems
with Win32 calling conventions and many other bugs
have been fixed.

Project Resources