fk is an application proxy suite designed for building IP gateways. Ultimately, the intent is to provide a free software replacement for the TIS firewall toolkit.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Une faiblesse sémantique dans les outils ACL et quelques bugs gênants dans le proxy FTP ont été corrigés. Type de transfert et de restrictions de port pour le proxy FTP ont été mises en œuvre (SIZE fonctionne vraiment maintenant). Cette version comporte également quelques exactitude audit initial et l'enlèvement de avorte inattendu.
A semantic weakness in the ACL tools and some embarassing bugs in the ftp proxy have been fixed. Transfer type and port restrictions for the ftp proxy have been implemented (SIZE really works now). This release also features some initial correctness auditing and removal of unexpected aborts.