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Description du projet

Freenet Grab is a replacement for the official Freenet Java freenet_request and frequest.exe. It is written in Python XML-RPC and has several options not available with the official CLI such as retrying on failure with incremental hops to live, downloading a list of keys from a file, tunable threshold and range for in-Freenet key indexes, and verifying lists of keys.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-05-06 11:30 Retour à la liste release

Cette version inclut de vastes améliorations de la vitesse avec le passage aux StreamingRequest XML-RPC, et d'une option-d pour spécifier un répertoire où les téléchargements sont enregistrés avec l'option-f.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release includes vast speed improvements with
the switch to StreamingRequest XML-RPC, and a -d
option to specify a directory where downloads are
saved with the -f option.

Project Resources