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Description du projet

G4L is a hard disk and partition imaging and cloning tool. The created images are optionally compressed, and they can be stored on a local hard drive or transferred to an anonymous FTP server. A drive can be cloned using the "Click'n'Clone" function. G4L supports file splitting if the local filesystem does not support writing files larger than 2GB. The included kernel supports ATA, serial-ATA, and SCSI drives. Common network cards are supported. It is packaged as a bootable CD image with an ncurses GUI for easy use.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-10 17:22 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué a ajouté nouvelles versions du noyau, ncftp 3.2.4, syslinux 4.01 et 1.17.0 busybox. TestDisk a été ajouté au menu Utilitaires. Le script g4l30o8 est maintenant utilisé. cpu_freq est fixé sur 32.x grains et au-dessus. Il ya eu beaucoup de mises à jour mineures du script pour réduire la taille, et quelques autres ajouts.
This release added new kernel versions, ncftp 3.2.4, syslinux 4.01, and busybox 1.17.0. TestDisk was added to the Utility menu. The g4l30o8 script is now used. cpu_freq is set on 32.x kernels and above. There were many minor updates to the script to reduce size, and some other additions.

Project Resources