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Description du projet

G4L is a hard disk and partition imaging and cloning tool. The created images are optionally compressed, and they can be stored on a local hard drive or transferred to an anonymous FTP server. A drive can be cloned using the "Click'n'Clone" function. G4L supports file splitting if the local filesystem does not support writing files larger than 2GB. The included kernel supports ATA, serial-ATA, and SCSI drives. Common network cards are supported. It is packaged as a bootable CD image with an ncurses GUI for easy use.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-11-12 19:02 Retour à la liste release

Des liens ont été ajoutés à des applets dans busybox qui ne les ont pas. Une option de sécurité intégrée a été créé. Code a été ajouté à filtrer Le syslinux 4,03 Communiqué de 2010/10/23 (alpha30) est utilisé. Le noyau par défaut a été changé en 2.6.36. Code a été ajouté de sorte que si le F: Liste des fichiers option échoue, l'ancienne invite sera utilisée pour le nom du fichier de saisie manuelle.
Links were added to applets in busybox that didn't have them. A failsafe option was created. Code was added to filter out The syslinux 4.03 release from 2010/10/23 (alpha30) is used. The default kernel was changed to 2.6.36. Code was added so that if the F: option file list fails, the old prompt will be used for the filename manual entry.

Project Resources