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Description du projet

iMan is a man page viewer for Mac OS X. It provides a native Aqua interface as an alternative to the use of the man program via the Terminal. A variety of useful features have been implemented, including multiple viewing windows, viewing of man pages as well as any man-format file on disk, support for apropos and whatis database searches, as well as in-page search with regular expressions, browser-style history (forward and back within any window), user-customizable font styles, and support for links to man pages in several forms (man:groff(1), man://groff/1, and man://1/groff are all supported). The reusable framework core can be embedded in other applications to provide man page handling functionality.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-17 19:34 Retour à la liste release

iman tente maintenant de lire un MANPATH par défaut du système, ce qui signifie qu'il détectera automatiquement les choses comme git et TeXLive. La navigation au clavier a été améliorée. Les nouvelles fenêtres match fenêtres précédentes de taille. Le système de base de données page a été réécrit et s'attaquent avec les liens symboliques dans le MANPATH. Correction de bugs mineurs ont été corrigés.
iMan now attempts to read a default MANPATH from the system, meaning it will auto-detect things like git and TeXLive. Keyboard navigation has been improved. New windows match previous windows in size. The page database system has been rewritten and now can deal with symbolic links in the MANPATH. Minor bugs were fixed.

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