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Description du projet

IPA Zounds models language sound changes
by applying a given set of sound change rules
to a given lexicon. It has a built-in model of
the International Phonetic Alphabet, allowing
users to write input words in IPA characters
and rules using those characters or the
distinctive features of the model.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-11-30 23:33 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué ajoute le support pour la translittération d'entrée et de sortie dans et hors de scripts non-API, à l'aide définie par l'utilisateur applications (API et X-SAMPA appui intégré). Elle ajoute un applicateur de son pour inverser le changement du module morbleu et le script. Il ajoute une fonctionnalité delayedrelease binaire et alvéolaire et affriquées postalvéolaires au modèle de l'IAP.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds support for transliterating input and output into and out of non-IPA scripts, using user-defined mappings (IPA and X-SAMPA support built in). It adds a reverse sound change applier to the zounds module and script. It adds a delayedrelease binary feature and alveolar and postalveolar affricates to the IPA model.

Project Resources