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Description du projet

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types commonly found on Unix systems, as well as Windows LM hashes. On top of this, lots of other hashes and ciphers are added in the community-enhanced version (-jumbo), and some are added in John the Ripper Pro.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-14 19:24 Retour à la liste release

crypt (3) l'appui a été ajoutée, par exemple pour SHA-crypt et SunMD5, avec parallélisation OpenMP sur Linux et Solaris. code Blowfish John's a également été parallélisé avec OpenMP. Une version plus approprié du code assembleur x86 Blowfish est maintenant choisi le Core i7. Plus optimale DES S-boxes pour PowerPC / AltiVec ont été intégrés. Le code bitslice DES a été remanié pour permettre l'utilisation des intrinsèques SIMD arbitraires et des vecteurs de type mixte (par exemple, 192-bits avec SSE2 MMX +). Le chargeur va maintenant détecter les hachages sur une ligne de leur propre chef. La manipulation des paramètres tty avec "- stdin" et Ctrl-C a été amélioré.
Tags: Development
crypt(3) support has been added e.g. for SHA-crypt and SunMD5, with OpenMP parallelization on Linux and Solaris. John's Blowfish code has also been parallelized with OpenMP. A more suitable version of x86 assembly Blowfish code is now chosen on Core i7. More optimal DES S-boxes for PowerPC/AltiVec have been integrated. The bitslice DES code has been reworked to allow for the use of arbitrary SIMD intrinsics and mixed-type vectors (e.g., 192-bit with SSE2+MMX). The loader will now detect hashes on a line on their own. The handling of tty settings with "--stdin" and Ctrl-C has been improved.

Project Resources