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Description du projet

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types commonly found on Unix systems, as well as Windows LM hashes. On top of this, lots of other hashes and ciphers are added in the community-enhanced version (-jumbo), and some are added in John the Ripper Pro.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-06-03 15:09 Retour à la liste release

MD5 et SHA-1 hachages base ont été accéléré avec SSE2 intrinsèques. md5_gen a été élargie avec des types de hachage plus. Support UTF-8 a été ajouté ("- utf8"). soutien parallélisation MPI pour tous les modes de fissuration a été intégré. parallélisation OpenMP support a été ajouté aux types de hachage plus. De nouveaux formats ont été ajoutés: mskrb5 (attaque hors connexion sur MS données pré-authentification Kerberos 5), rawMD5unicode (MD5 de UCS-2 clair codé), et salted_sha1 (accélération du traitement de certains LDAP {SSHA} hashes). Le "unique" du programme, le mode de Markov, affichage de l'ETA, et des interfaces de programmation ont été améliorés.
Tags: Community
MD5 and SHA-1 based hashes have been sped up with SSE2 intrinsics. md5_gen has been expanded with more hash types. UTF-8 support has been added ("--utf8"). MPI parallelization support for all cracking modes has been integrated. OpenMP parallelization support has been added to more hash types. New formats have been added: mskrb5 (offline attack on MS Kerberos 5 pre-authentication data), rawMD5unicode (MD5 of UCS-2 encoded plaintext), and salted_sha1 (faster handling of some LDAP {SSHA} hashes). The "unique" program, Markov mode, ETA display, and programming interfaces have been enhanced.

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