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Description du projet

JTMOS stands for "Jari Tuominen's Minimal
Operating System". The JTMOS operating system
project aims to create a fully functional
multitasking x86 operating system. It primarily
targets low-end systems with small hard disks,
preferably i586 family or newer. Currently focus
in the project is on communication, TCP/IP stack,
and building up FAT file system support. JTMOS
mimics some features from Linux-style operating
systems like the root directory system. JTMOS can
already boot up from DOS, or independently from
hard disk or floppy disk with its own custom

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-01-21 05:00 Retour à la liste release
Build 8452

Plusieurs changements ont été réalisés. Soutien à la table de partition a été ajoutée. Port série existants routines ont été corrigés. Code du terminal virtuel a été séparée du pilote de texte en mode EGA. Un pilote Windows Sound System a été ajoutée. Support des systèmes de fichiers FAT12/16 est prévue.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Several changes has been made. Support for the partition table has been added. Legacy serial port routines have been fixed. Virtual terminal code has been separated from the EGA text mode driver. A Windows Sound System driver has been added. Support for FAT12/16 file systems is planned.

Project Resources