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Description du projet

KnowledgeTree is a powerful Web-based document management system built on the popular LAMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack. It is a leading PHP-based commercial document management software project. KnowledgeTree is used by Fortune 500 companies, community organizations, local and state governments, and educational and scientific institutions around the world.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-04-17 21:39 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué de la Communauté ajoute un nouveau pilier de l'API RESTful interface pour faciliter l'intégration avec d'autres applications et services, un nouveau moteur de texte d'action visant à assurer une plus grande support UTF-8 (recherche caractère idéographique) et d'améliorer la stabilité s-plateforme, des améliorations à la recherche et l'indexation, pile de composants mis à jour (Windows et Linux, les installateurs et les installateurs de mise à niveau), et diverses améliorations mineures à la performance et la stabilité.
Tags: Stable, 3.6, Community Edition
This Community release adds a new core API and RESTful interface to
facilitate integration with other applications and services, a new text
action engine to provide greater UTF-8 support (ideographic character
search) and improved s-platform stability, improvements to search and
indexing, upgraded stack components (Windows and Linux, installers and
upgrade installers), and various minor improvements to performance and

Project Resources