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Description du projet

libFoundation is an Objective-C library that provides an almost complete implementation of the OpenStep specification plus many other extensions that can be found in the Apple's Mac OS X Foundation library.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-09-09 09:11 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué a ajouté le support pour l'installation dans des endroits FHS (/ usr et / usr / local) et le soutien pour les arbres GNUstep aplatie. Il a également été durcies contre les conditions de bord en mêlée configurations. Support des versions plus récentes de la BDG a été ajouté et les avertissements qui ont eu lieu avec gcc 3.3 ont été corrigés. Beaucoup d'optimisations ont été faites en utilisant kcachegrind, FreeBSD soutien a été améliorée, et plusieurs corrections de bugs ont été faites.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release added support for installation in FHS locations (/usr and /usr/local) and support for flattened GNUstep trees. It was also hardened against edge conditions in mixed up setups. Support for newer versions of GDB was added and warnings that occurred with GCC 3.3 were fixed. Many performance optimizations were made using kcachegrind, FreeBSD support was improved, and several bugfixes were made.

Project Resources