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Description du projet

The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats. Support for MS OLE2 streams is complete, as is zip import. There is also support for document metadata and some initial work on decompressing VBA streams in OLE files for future conversion to other languages. This library replaces libole2 and is used in gnumeric, mrproject, abiword, libwv2, koffice. It is also part of the AAF format.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-03-09 22:52 Retour à la liste release

Cette version ajoute l'espace de noms manquants présentation ODF. Cela ne vous installez l'en-tête Win32 sur Win32. Il fixe enum export XML utils, criticals pour les fichiers corrompus, une boucle sans fin avec les fichiers OLE brisée, et un problème d'allocation de mémoire en raison de fichiers OLE cassé. Les contrôles de santé mentale de propriétés OLE ont été améliorées. (GSF le programme) a été amélioré à la liste de toutes les propriétés du document.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release adds the missing ODF presentation namespace. It will only install the Win32 header on Win32. It fixes XML enum export utils, criticals for corrupted files, an endless loop with broken OLE files, and a memory allocation problem due to broken OLE files. The sanity checks of OLE properties have been improved. gsf (the program) has been enhanced to list all document properties.

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