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Description du projet

Built upon Maarch Framework, Maarch LetterBox is a complete mail management solution. It is developed exclusively by its user base. It handles incoming, outgoing, and internal mail. It ships with an inline editor to generate mail or answers from templates. It sends alerts and notifications on new mail, late mail, etc.
It manages mail circulation between users through virtual mail baskets. It logs every action on documents and on the configuration of the application. It offers tools to monitor mail activity.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-03-19 18:39 Retour à la liste release

Cette version ajoute la suppression de documents, listes et des détails d'impression de formulaires et de la redistribution mail. Le délai de traitement est facultative. Cela corrige les erreurs de redirection de sortie, la configuration et des erreurs d'affichage, des erreurs de validation, et les erreurs de notification.
This release adds document deletion, lists and details form printing, and mail redistribution. The processing deadline is optional. This release fixes redirection errors, layout and display errors, validation errors, and notification errors.

Project Resources