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Description du projet

Mandriva is an RPM-based Linux distribtion. It excels at usability and simplicity, features thoroughly preconfigured KDE and GNOME desktops, and includes cool tools like supermount (transparent access to removable media) and DiskDrake (a full-featured graphical hard-drive partitioner). Unlike former versions, Mandriva is not a tuned-up Red Hat, but a very mature Linux distribution on its own. Mandriva is published by a company, but is a completely open and transparent free-software project.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-06-30 20:27 Retour à la liste release
2011 Release Candidate 1

Cette version apporte l'intégration d'un nouveau look, nouvelle gestionnaire de connexion, des thèmes de bureau, KDE plasmoïdes, des icônes, des origines, des écrans de démarrage, le lanceur, écrans de démarrage, et paramètres de bureau. Les versions initiales de Mandriva Sync et Sphère help-desk clients ont été inclus avec une nouvelle version de l'application des tests Improver, un nouveau centre de contrôle Mandriva basée sur Qt, intégrée dans les paramètres système de KDE, Firefox 5.0 avec en option des versions bêta et les aurores installable, serveur X. Org 1.10.2 avec la vidéo la plus à jour et pilotes d'entrée, Mesa 7.10.3 pour l'expérience la plus à jour 3D, GCC 4.6.1, et plus encore.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements
This version brings the integration of a new look, new login manager, desktop themes, KDE Plasma widgets, icons, backgrounds, splash screens, launcher, boot screens, and desktop settings. Initial versions of Mandriva Sync and Sphere help-desk clients were included along with a new version of the Improver testing application, a new Mandriva Control Center based on Qt, integrated into KDE system settings, Firefox 5.0 together with optionally installable beta and aurora versions, X.Org Server 1.10.2 with the most up-to-date video and input drivers, Mesa 7.10.3 for the most up-to-date 3D experience, GCC 4.6.1, and more.

Project Resources