NetCDF is a format developed at Unidata that was
inspired by the CDF format from NASA. NetCDF
stands for "Network Common Data Form" and is a
self-describing data format, commonly used in
scientific and engineering applications.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
L'utilitaire ncdump gère maintenant le NetCDF-4 modèle pleinement. HDF5 1.8.0 de soutien a été améliorée. Parallèle I / O bugs ont été corrigés, et de nouveaux Parallel I / O tests ajouté. Un programme d'analyse comparative a été ajoutée. Des améliorations ont été apportées aux API de F90 et F77 pour soutenir NetCDF-4. Il ya des ajouts à la F77 et guides de l'utilisateur F90. Il ya des corrections de bogues pour les variables de plus de 2 GB. Des tests ont été ajoutés. Il existe de nombreuses autres corrections de bugs. La portabilité a été améliorée.
NetCDF over HDF5 (Unstable), Major bugfixes
The ncdump utility now handles the NetCDF-4 model fully. HDF5 1.8.0 support has been improved. Parallel I/O bugs have been fixed, and new parallel I/O tests added. A benchmarking program has been added. Enhancements have been made to the F77 and F90 APIs to support NetCDF-4. There are additions to the F77 and F90 user guides. There are bugfixes for variables greater than 2 GB. Tests have been added. There are numerous other bugfixes. Portability has been improved.