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Description du projet

Nevow is a Web application construction kit. It is
designed to allow the programmer to express as
much of the view logic as desired in Python, and
includes a pure Python XML expression syntax,
named stan, to facilitate this. It also provides
rich support for designer-edited templates, using
a very small XML attribute language to provide
bi-directional template manipulation capability.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-06-13 17:26 Retour à la liste release

Une version simplifiée de JavaScript système de module a été ajouté, ainsi que de nombreuses optimisations à la bibliothèque JavaScript mis à la disposition d'Athéna. Support de l'Unicode a également été optimisé et plusieurs bugs ont été corrigés. Plusieurs bogues de rendu des fragments ont été fixés, comme il a un bug qui empêchait les notifications de connexions perdues d'être envoyé correctement.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A simplified JavaScript module system has been
added, along with numerous optimizations to the
JavaScript library made available with Athena.
Unicode support has also been optimized and
several bugs were corrected. Several bugs with
Fragment rendering have been fixed, as has a bug
which prevented notifications of lost connections
from being dispatched correctly.

Project Resources