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Description du projet

Openchart2 is a simple charting and plotting
library designed for incorporation with a variety
of Java applications. The library can generate two
dimensional bar, pie, radar, and scatter charts
with customized titles, axis labels, legends, and
colors. The simplicity of the library is its
strongest feature. Openchart2 is a branch of the
original JOpenChart library.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-09-02 10:19 Retour à la liste release

Un certain nombre de bugs mineurs ont été éliminés liés aux systèmes de coordonnées et le zoom. Tracés linéaires tirons maintenant correctement sous OpenJDK implémentations sur des systèmes X-Windows.
Tags: Minor
A number of minor bugs have been eliminated related to coordinate systems and zooming. Line plots now draw properly under OpenJDK implementations on X Windows systems.

Project Resources