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Description du projet

The pyaeso Python package makes access to the
Alberta Electric System Operator's (AESO) Energy Trading System (ETS) easier. AESO operates Alberta's deregulated electricity market and provides price, demand, and other valuable information through the publicly accessible Energy Trading System (ETS) Web site. This information is useful for economic analysis, power trading, electric system study, and electric system forecasting. The first step in using such information is to download it and parse it into useful data structures - a task performed by this library. Typically the data provided by this library will generate graphs, feed statistical methods, heuristics, and system models to usefully analyze Alberta's electric system.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-03-16 22:09 Retour à la liste release

Cette version ajoute l'accès à l'offre actuelle / Demand (CSD) Rapport et interconnexion de l'Alberta Electrical System (AIES) log. Une migration à long terme du code de la pyaeso aux colis AESO a commencé. Doctests pour certains modules ont été ajoutés, comme l'ont fait deux programmes nouvel exemple.
Tags: Feature Addition
This release adds access to the Current Supply/Demand (CSD) report and Alberta Interconnected Electrical System (AIES) log. A long-term migration of code from the pyaeso to aeso packages has started. Doctests for some modules have been added, as have two new example programs.

Project Resources