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Description du projet

PyKota is a full featured, internationalized, centralized, and extensible print quota system for CUPS. It supports PostgreSQL, OpenLDAP, MySQL, or SQLite as the quota database backend. This software features most of what you might expect from a modern print quota and accounting solution. Its flexibility and configurability greatly eases its integration into your own computing environment.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-07-24 16:44 Retour à la liste release

Plusieurs directives de configuration de nouveaux ont été introduits pour accroître la polyvalence du logiciel. Vous pouvez maintenant contrôler le tri dans la production de la benne de données, soit à partir de la ligne de commande ou quand il est utilisé comme un script CGI. Le "vs gris couleur" colorspace pseudo est maintenant supporté dans le mode de comptabilité d'encre. Plusieurs améliorations mineures et corrections de bugs ont été effectuées aux quatre coins du lieu.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Several new configuration directives were
introduced to increase the software's versatility.
You can now control the ordering in the output of
the data dumper, either from the command line or
when it's used as a CGI script. The "grey vs
color" pseudo colorspace is now supported in ink
accounting mode. Several minor improvements and
bugfixes were done all over the place.

Project Resources