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Description du projet

Rachota is a small application for those who work
with computers on a daily basis and are curious
how efficiently they use their time. It is
basically a scheduler that measures how much time
one spends on pre-defined tasks during the day.
The data can be used later for evaluation or
generation of reports, e.g. for managers.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-03-14 15:50 Retour à la liste release

Les défauts les plus ennuyeux d'assurance-chômage ont été corrigés et facile à faire dispositifs qui n'exigent pas de modifications dans la base ont été mises en œuvre. Quelques-unes des nouvelles fonctionnalités sont le support de plateau de système, la semaine / mois avant / arrière, les boutons, la capacité d'aller à tout dialogue calendrier à jour, la capacité de double-cliquez sur un jour colonne pour afficher son plan, la capacité à mesurer les temps morts, la possibilité de consulter les titres précédents, l'achèvement de mots clés, et d'autres types de tâches régulières.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The most annoying UI flaws were fixed and
easy-to-do features that do not require any
changes in the core were implemented. A few of the
new features are system tray support, week/month
forward/backward buttons, the ability to go to any
date calendar dialog, the ability to double-click
a day column to display its plan, the ability to
measure idle time, the ability to view past
entries, keyword completion, and additional types
of regular tasks.

Project Resources