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Description du projet

RT is an industrial-grade trouble ticketing system. It lets a group of people intelligently and efficiently manage requests submitted by a community of users. RT is used by systems administrators, customer support staffs, NOCs, developers, and even marketing departments to track issues, outages, bugs, requests, and all kinds of other things at thousands of sites around the world.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-09-11 18:44

Cette version inclut de nombreux nettoyages de petites et améliorations. Il fixe la reconnexion "redouté infini" bogue.
Tags: Release, Minor bugfixes
This release includes numerous small cleanups and improvements. It fixes the dreaded "infinite relogin" bug.

2006-06-18 17:23

Le changelog complet contient plus de 500 changements «intéressants» et plus de 1000 engage. L'interface utilisateur RT a été refait en XHTML et CSS. Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de personnaliser leur page d'accueil RT et d'établir leurs préférences de recherche par défaut. Rapports de base et de la cartographie, des rappels sur les billets, la capacité de faire des champs personnalisés, grâce à et inclure du contenu provenant d'autres systèmes, et en vrac mise à jour des champs personnalisés ont été ajoutés.
Tags: Release, Major feature enhancements
The full changelog contains over 500 "interesting" changes and over 1000 commits. The RT UI has been redone in XHTML and CSS. Users have the ability to customize their RT home page and set their default search preferences. Basic reporting and charting, reminders on tickets, the ability to make custom fields link to and include content from other systems, and bulk updating of custom fields have been added.

2004-05-14 06:03

Assortiment de modifications ont été apportées.
Tags: Release, Major feature enhancements
Assorted changes were made.

2003-06-24 13:27

Cette version comprend des dizaines d'améliorations et de corrections à 3.0.2 RT, qui est disponible depuis fin Mai. Faits saillants incluent le soutien considérablement améliorées pour jeux de caractères non ASCII, la manipulation beaucoup plus robuste des données d'entrée de faux, et l'amélioration des performances énormes pour certaines configurations.
Tags: Release, Major bugfixes
This version includes dozens of enhancements and corrections to RT 3.0.2, which has been available since late May. Highlights include significantly enhanced support for non-ASCII character sets, much more robust handling of bogus input data, and massive performance improvements for some configurations.

2003-04-16 16:30

Un certain nombre de questions ont été corrigées (principalement l'UTF-8 de plusieurs questions connexes et d'un problème pouvant provoquer la corruption de pièces jointes binaires).
Tags: Release, Minor bugfixes
A number of issues have been corrected (primarily several UTF-8 related issues and an issue that could cause corruption of binary attachments).

Project Resources