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Description du projet

Thousand Parsec is a turn-based space empire building game, as well as a framework for creating a similar group of games, which are often called 4X games (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate). Some examples of games from which Thousand Parsec draws ideas are Reach for the Stars, Stars!, VGA Planets, Master of Orion, and Galactic Civilizations. Unlike commercial alternatives, it is designed for long games supporting universes as large as your computer can handle. It allows a high degree of player customization, and features a flexible technology system where new technologies may be introduced mid-game.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-01-15 07:35

Ce communiqué fusionne le Google Summer of Code des projets de refactoring et MTSec, avec nombreuses corrections de bugs, d'assistance BattleXML, le soutien des médias dans MiniSec, et plus net de soutien libltdl.
Tags: C++ Server
This release merges the Google Summer of Code projects of refactoring and MTSec, along with many bugfixes, BattleXML support, media support in MiniSec, and tidier libltdl support.

2009-03-25 23:01

Ce communiqué est surtout de petites améliorations, notamment pour soutenir le mode joueur unique. Il rend également traverser la compilation pour Windows un peu plus facile.
Tags: C++ Server, Minor bugfixes
This release is mostly small improvements, particularly to support single player mode. It also makes cross compiling for Windows a bit easier.

2009-01-13 20:16

Cette version inclut les trois projets GSoC que tpserver impliqués-cpp, à savoir deux jeux - Risk and Tae - et le soutien d'administration à distance. Il présente aussi quelques corrections de bugs et une correction de la persistance de MySQL. Le serveur est maintenant un démon et l'interne console a été supprimée. Le tpadmin-cpp client d'administration à distance devrait être publié prochainement.
Tags: C++ Server, Major feature enhancements
This release includes all three GSoC Projects that involved tpserver-cpp, namely two games - Risk and TaE - and remote administration support. Also included are some bugfixes and a fix for MySQL persistence. The server is now a daemon and the internal console has been removed. The tpadmin-cpp remote administration client should be released shortly.

2008-07-01 16:45

Cette version de tpserver-cpp fixe un certain nombre de bogues et de construire des questions. Il est maintenant possible de construire sur OS X. Certains refactoring a également été réalisée.
Tags: C++ Server, Minor bugfixes
This release of tpserver-cpp fixes a number of bugs and build issues. It is now possible to build on OS X. Some refactoring has also been performed.

2008-05-01 15:04

Cette version inclut le Google Summer an dernier du projet de code, Reach for the ruleset Clone Stars. Un grand nombre d'autres améliorations ont été apportées, comme un nouveau modèle objet, support du protocole TP04, un meilleur contrôle sur ce que les joueurs peuvent voir sur le serveur, et une histoire qui prend en charge la persistance de MySQL. Cette version est une étape importante vers l'objectif d'un serveur entièrement comporté.
Tags: C++ Server, Major feature enhancements
This release includes last year's Google Summer of
Code project, Reach for the Stars Clone ruleset. A
large number of other improvements have been made,
such as a new Object model, TP04 protocol support,
better control over what players can see on the
server, and a history that supports MySQL
persistence. This release is a significant step
towards the goal of a fully featured server.

Project Resources