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Description du projet

TXR is a new data munging language. TXR's special pattern language provides template-based matching of entire documents or large sections of documents. It also contains a language for functional and imperative programming. It is written in C and takes the form of a utility that is portable to Unix-like platforms and Windows.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-28 07:49 Retour à la liste release

Cette version introduit une nouvelle syntaxe crochet qui effectue une opération intuitive basée sur le type du premier objet. Il fournit Lisp-1 style appelle fonctions (aucun opérateur d'appel) et le tableau d'indexation et de tranches de listes, les vecteurs, les chaînes et les hachages. Les tranches et les éléments indexés sont cessibles. Indexation et tranchage peuvent servir dans la langue de modèle de sortie et en quasiliterals de la chaîne.
This release introduces a new square bracket syntax that performs an intuitive operation based on the type of the first object. It provides Lisp-1 style calls for functions (no call operator) and array indexing and slicing for lists, vectors, strings, and hashes. Indexed elements and slices are assignable. Indexing and slicing can be used in the output template language and in string quasiliterals.

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