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Description du projet

WidgetServer is a Java/XML server-side GUI-framework which enables an application to run as either a monolithic Swing app, a client/server Swing app, or as a Web app without any change and without loss of functionality. An Eclipse Plugin is available as well. A rich widget set is supported that includes tree views, tabbed panes, split panels, and much more. Animations, all types of events, and several effects are supported, as well. A unified widget-based, object-oriented programming interface for Web and Swing GUIs is offered to the developer to control and assemble the GUI. Web applications are fully AJAX enabled. For Swing client/server applications, the framework handles client/server communication, including compression and security layers.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-11-22 17:34 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué de change le rend interfaces des tableaux, des listes et des arbres pour simplifier la manutention de (transformé) valeurs de chaîne. Quelques bugs ont été fixés dans le modèle contraignant, et quelques nouveaux paramètres dans le fichier web.xml ont été ajoutées pour le traitement automatique de session-count overlow erreur, invalide-client-type d'erreur et de non-cookies-eanbled erreur. La détection des clients a été amélioré pour utiliser regexp pour évaluer le champ User-agent. Certains retravailler a été fait dans le déploiement de modèle pour expliquer les paramètres du nouveau paramètre.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release changes the render interfaces of
tables, lists, and trees for simpler handling of
(transformed) string values. Some bugs were fixed
in model binding, and some new parameters in
web.xml were added for automatic handling of
invalid-client-type-error, and
no-cookies-eanbled-error. Client detection was
enhanced to use regexp to evaluate the user-agent
field. Some rework has been done in the deployment
template to explain the new parameter settings.

Project Resources