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Description du projet

xplain2sql converts files from Xplain to SQL. It supports a very large subset of Xplain, and it can convert from Xplain to Microsoft SQL Server, DB/2,
Inprise InterBase, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL 5, SQLite 3 or ANSI-92 SQL. It can also generate an XML description of the generated SQL. This XML description can be used to create low-level middle-tier code. Example stylesheets for Eiffel/ECLI and Delphi/ADO are included. The C source code release should compile on any platform with an ANSI C compiler. There are binary releases for FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris x86, and Windows 2000.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-06-21 21:57 Retour à la liste release

Plus fidèle soutien de init [par défaut] expressions. PostgreSQL en sortie pour les valeurs dans une procédure stockée a été corrigé. MySQL 5 soutien a été ajoutée. Support de SQLite 3 a été ajouté. Toute l'appui et de néant sont désormais correctement mises en œuvre pour InterBase 6. Des fonctions comme min et max maintenant fonctionner comme prévu sur InterBase 6.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
More faithful support for init [default] expressions. PostgreSQL output when using values in a stored procedure has been fixed. MySQL 5 support has been added. Support for SQLite 3 has been added. Any and nil support are now correctly implemented for InterBase 6. Functions like min and max now work as expected on InterBase 6.

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