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Description du projet

Xtla is the Emacs front-end to the GNU Arch revision control
system. It provides user-friendly wrappers for tla native
commands and some higher level features such as the
bookmark manager. The main features are a PCL-CVS-like
interface for tla inventory and tla changes, an archive browser,
good integration in Emacs, a bookmark manager, integration
with ediff, Emacs's graphical diff tool, an interface to view
missing patches from all your partners with a single command,
and an Emacs mode for arch-related files (log files, =tagging-

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-02-26 19:16 Retour à la liste release

Mx baz-RET mise à jour peut utiliser soit de fusionner, rediffusion ou mise à jour. Tampon de modifications, le chat-log-tampons de mode, et * Article * tampons (en Gnus) montrent boutons cliquables pour les noms de révision (et autres noms Arch). Un email de notification est disponible depuis le tampon de modifications (lié à "M"). Plusieurs bazaaz 1.5 Problèmes de compatibilité ont été résolus. Il existe de nombreux correctifs.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
M-x baz-update RET can use either merge, replay, or update. Changelog buffer, cat-log-mode buffers, and *Article* buffers (in Gnus) show clickable buttons for revision names (and other Arch names). An email notification is available from the Changelog buffer (bound to "M"). Several bazaaz 1.5 compatibility issues have been solved. There are many bugfixes.

Project Resources