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Description du projet

Xtla is the Emacs front-end to the GNU Arch revision control
system. It provides user-friendly wrappers for tla native
commands and some higher level features such as the
bookmark manager. The main features are a PCL-CVS-like
interface for tla inventory and tla changes, an archive browser,
good integration in Emacs, a bookmark manager, integration
with ediff, Emacs's graphical diff tool, an interface to view
missing patches from all your partners with a single command,
and an Emacs mode for arch-related files (log files, =tagging-

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-07-23 08:39 Retour à la liste release

Ce communiqué a ajouté le support pour baz et pour baz-ajouté des commandes comme "switch", "annoter", "status" et "résolue". La liste de fichiers devant être engagée est maintenant affichée dans le tampon de journal (mais enlevées avant de commettre). De nombreuses améliorations ont été apportées et les performances tla-mise à jour est récursive. L'installation et la procédure de configuration a été améliorée et un mode pour le fichier d'entrée de GNU Arch's build-config a été ajoutée. Meilleur support de Gnus été mis en œuvre et de soutien pour l'étanchéité et la fixation des archives a été ajouté.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release added support for baz and for baz-added commands like "switch", "annotate", "status", and "resolved". The list of files to be committed is now displayed in the log buffer (but removed before committing). Many performances improvements were made and tla-update is now recursive. The installation and configuration procedure was improved and a mode for the input file of GNU arch's build-config was added. Better Gnus support was implemented and support for sealing and fixing archives was added.

Project Resources