[macemacsjp-english 28] Command-~

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Jay Cotton jay****@fleei*****
Sat Apr 2 00:40:09 JST 2005

(Please excuse the duplicate of this message that I sent from the wrong 
email address.)


I am continuing to enjoy this emacs for OS X. However, something is 
confusing me. In some buffers, I can switch to the other frame by 
typing Command-` (this is the keyboard shortcut for switching windows 
in most OS X apps, as I'm sure you know). But, in many buffers this 
doesn't work. Instead, I get an error: "A-` is undefined"

I used the information from the error message to attempt to add the 
following to my .emacs file:

(global-set-key "\A-`" 'other-frame)

But this doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated!


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